Sunday, January 31, 2016


Last night, #6 had some kind of gathering.  The gathering involved kids kicking their soccer ball into the fence, and occasionally the side of our house, for hours, lots of loud yelling and screaming, etc.  They had about 3-4 additional carloads of kids in addition to their own 6.  You can imagine the racket. 

I didn't tell Ron, but apparently one of the cats wandered over, trying to make friends.  One of the kids started screaming, a girl, and the boys chased it off.  If I told Ron he'd be apoplectic, but hopefully the cat (I assume one of the boys) learned his lesson. 

I had hoped to go to bed around 8.  The party went on until well after midnight.  Ron called the police. 

I just don't get it.  No one, and I mean no one, else in the subdivision acts that way.  No one.  I wonder why he thinks it is OK.  I would accept it if he did all this in the afternoon, but at night, when people are trying to sleep?  Midnight? 

He would probably say it was a weekend, but when I get up at 4 AM everyday I'm kind of wired to do that.  Enough about that. 

Needless to say I did not sleep well.  I got up and did my God time.  I had hoped to take a nap later. 

I don't discuss anyone's schedule, including my own.  I only discuss what I've done after I do it but I can't, and won't, share details of someone's routine.  Suffice to say I had hope of a nap. 

We watched church on the computer and I checked to see if I could rest.  Not yet. 

I took a shower.  When I got out Ron asked me, fairly nicely (he can be pretty vicious asking for help on cleaning and organizational issues - he gets very upset), to please clean up the counter around the garbage disposal switch.  As I did that, I saw my chance to take a nap. 

I wasn't sure when they'd be back so I took an hour, called it good, and got up again.  I finished cleaning that area, did some laundry, and got our packages from Amazon. 

I got Ron an HD antenna.  I've mentioned this, he wants to pair it with an inexpensive TV and get rid of cable.  I'm fine with that. 

He gave me the money for it. 

I got my new neck wallet.  The old one was so beat up and dirty looking.  I was happy to make the transfer. 

I also got my new validator cleaning cards.  I haven't used those in a while, at work, and could stand to do it. 

Ron and I went through some items I found while organizing and he told me to get rid of them all.  So I did. 

I would say that's the difference between me and a hoarder.  I have no problem getting rid of, or donating, something.  I just need to figure out if I want it, and where I'm going to store it if I am keeping it. 

Oh, and my butt hurts.  I apparently really felt the burn, squatting down at those CPR classes yesterday.  I was a little uncomfortable yesterday, but today I feel like I've been powerlifting.  It's just my butt, though. 

Pretty funny if someone catches me rubbing my butt tomorrow.  [snort]  I will probably tell everyone, anyway, though. 

I overshare. 


Anonymous said...

Yay the more CPR certified people the safer we all are! Thanks for being certified!
You sound so much better heather! What a rough month for you january was. I think you hit the wall!
You work your ass of in this world in so many ways, your insight and logic ..courage...well i am an old fan
You know how i feel.

Much love to you and yours about a vidoe! Love seeing the killties

Wish i could do this blogging thing, I start and stop
The way you give validation by sharing life has helped a lot of people you will never hear from, if i thought i could do something similar for others i would. But i never get beyond a first paragraph ..maybe someday
Take care and thank you Heather

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather
you need a "fun day out"! I miss those when you reported your discount haul and what cheap meals you put together. Do you think now you are feeling better you could post some for us?