Monday, January 4, 2016

The Ick

Tossing and turning all last night, unable to fall asleep.  I finally caught a few hours only to be awakened by my alarm, and a nasty sore throat.  Great.  The "ick" got me. 

The "ick" has been making the rounds here for about a month.  Sore throat, nasty cough, congestion, etc. 

I do not.  Need.  The.  Ick.  I just got over the bladder infection! 

I know some of it goes to mood, I've never read a study but I am sure my immunity's down when I'm depressed.  The good news, I have been taking antibiotics and all the herbal supplements I feel help.  So, not much to do on that account except add some whey (protein) for added immunity. 

I tend to run deficient in protein and iron, unless I make a special point of getting both. 

I just felt like: really?  I already had to get up early, now this. 

I did enjoy two cats in the bed last night.  They were very sweet.  Biscuit hogged the foot of the bed, and Torbie slept next to my pillow.  I love that so much. 

It seems only the very old cats (Frosty, Bubba, now Torbie) will do this, but I find it incredibly comforting and soothing.  I always have much better dreams, too. 

I took my shower and did my God Time later.  I dressed and we left for work.  We had a straight trip. 

I didn't have a lot of stocking to do, but I did what I could.  Our primary goal was the soda delivery.  I waited for hours. 

Imagine how I felt when I found out Ron screwed up making the order (I'd say it's about half his fault, half the company), and we would have to go in tomorrow.  Already exhausted, I was facing another bad night's sleep.  My throat hurt.  I was tired, and Not Happy. 

I corked it.  It wouldn't do any good to unload all over Ron, who was busy shouting into the sales rep's voicemail. 

Ron had put the ride on hold, so he took it off and we got home an hour before we would have (had we not done this).  So, I did get that.  And I got a 3 hour nap before the kids next door decided to play right outside my bedroom. 

Another accomplishment, you know when you suddenly encounter someone, and you have an automatic reaction?  It just comes out? 

For a very long time, I presented a lot of hostility (understandable) toward the man who ran over Ron.  Today, I bumped into him while getting a repairman and greeted him with honest delight.  I was so happy about that. 

I've gone from wanting to commit felonies against him, to feeling friendly.  All in all, he's the other victim in the accident. 

The anniversary for that rascal is coming up in a few days.  It's always an odd day for me.  Ron doesn't care, I think because he was unconscious during the worst of it, and head-injury-demented for months afterward.  By the time he came back to himself, things were pretty fine. 

Well, as fine as they get around here. 

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