Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Hits and misses

Yesterday was a long day, we went to the warehouse, got the supplies, brought them to work, and a whole lot of stocking.  By the time I got home, I was pretty tired. 

I had enough energy to do my God Time, or blog, so I did God Time. 

I went to bed, so glad I had today off. 

Today I went to Walmart.  Well, I got up, took my shower, got dressed, took my antibiotic, drank some diet iced tea because I can't have my soda with the antibiotic, and went to Walmart. 

Ron wanted a lot of snack foods, but my appetite is still absent.  I took my meds tonight with one slice of pizza.  Normally I eat 2 or 3.  I have found I can take my lithium on less food than previi144444444444  (Biscuit says hello). 

I can take my lithium on less food than I previously thought.  I did forget to eat my salad tonight. 

Anyway, I got some healthier foods, high protein, lower carbs.  I did get a bag of potato chips and did eat some, but they didn't taste very good to my palate. 

Now, being sick, I had some hits and misses on what actually worked for me:
1.  Antihistamine: made me manic.
2.  Decongestant: made me manic.  That ruled out pretty much EVERY OTC remedy. 

3.  12 hour mucus relief with cough suppressant, worked.  So well, in fact, I was literally counting the minutes to the next dose. 
4.  Breathe-right strips.  "Open nasal passages".  To my surprise, they actually did, enough that I bought another box today.  I got a really good deal on some more today with a coupon I had from the first box.  Coupon $1 off.  Box had a 10 count free in addition to the 26.  So, I got them for about half off cost per unit.  And, like I said, they work.  They ride a little odd with my glasses so I just use them at night when my glasses are on the nightstand. 
5.  Generic tissues with lotion.  A lot better than the paper towels and hankies I was "blowing" on. 
6.  Generic cough drops, sugarfree.  Although I didn't use these during periods of high coughing due to an incident where I nearly choked. 

Plus, of course the medical items: a steroid shot, and a course of antibiotics (nearly finished, now).  [sigh]  I really hope I'm done with being sick for a while now. 

Although this happened in 2009; I was sick, had an assortment of various issues, and finally had a run of good health lasting several years.  Well, except for the odd migraine. 

I'd even take a migraine if it meant I'd be "done" for a while.  That's one reason I'm really trying to increase the quality of my food.  I can control that; I can't control much else. 

Oh, and how we all love to feel powerless. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like we can welcome you back to the girlfriend here was sick with similar sounding crap and she was day for day with you ..I usually check in with you once a week when I do my "blog rounds' but I checked in as she gave me her symptoms and sure enough she was 1 for 1 with you so it must be country wide this gunk

so glad you are feeling better and HI BISCUIT!

I am making biscuits for dinner tonight but please explain to him we do not eat kitties only doughy biscuits LOL! hugs and glad you are better

so funny to have a crazy friend so far away but I feel close to you over the years I wonder at your end how strange it feels to have distant fans who you do not know thinking about you and caring about your days

because we do ! you are an extremely engaging writer and you validate

oh and I get the meds I can not take OTCs either with out really thinking about it or journaling it ..decongestants make me feel like I have bugs crawling all over me very scary!