Wednesday, January 6, 2016


I'm going to complain a bit. 

Yesterday I woke up at 3 AM to get a delivery.  I had to do heavy manual labor, with a cold. 

I took a Benadryl (first generation antihistamine) because my symptoms include a runny nose, mild fever, and congestion.  I took it about 7 PM. 

I went to bed around 9, because the neighbors had one of their gatherings with the people in the yard singing and all.  They can't rent a hall?  Yesterday, when we were leaving, I counted 2 other neighbors also leaving at 4 AM.  Which means we all need to go to bed early.  Anyway. 

They left, I went to bed.  And I realized, my medication had backfired and made me manic.  I COULD NOT sleep.  I had to get up, I did my God Time, I read a book, but I could not sleep.  I started sneezing (another symptom) about the time I started getting tired, around 12.  My liver had cleared the antihistamine, I went to bed, and slept. 

But I had to get up at 7 today.  Now, it was very nice to sleep in until 7.  It was lovely.  Normally I'm getting up 4-5 AM.  Sometimes 2. 

We went to the warehouse, in the cold and rain.  I got our supplies, and had to load and unload in the cold and rain.  With a cold and not enough sleep.  And I started my period. 

Done complaining. 

Once we got to work I found denuded vending machines.  I got to work.  We had so much work we had to reschedule our ride to give us additional 2 hours. 

Ron, happily, didn't need much help.  We worked our asses off. 

I tell you, I know I am getting enough exertion.  My legs and back were tired. 

If I went to a gym I would be interested in doing that upper body workout where you move the ropes, drumming them, basically?  My triceps in particular are pretty flabby. 

I blew my nose repeatedly, into tissues (at home I use a hanky), tossed the tissue, and then washed my hands, every time.  I also covered my mouth the couple times I did sneeze, but I'm not too worried. 

I found 2 empty packets of cold & flu remedies near my vending machines, and heard plenty of people sniffling and coughing.  I have a lot of close contact with my customers, so it's inevitable.  Ron isn't sick yet so I assume he is immune to this. 

Oh, I'm tired.  I am really thinking about going to bed early tonight. 

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