Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Some days I just endure

Well, unexpected result on my talk with the neighbors about the little boy in the street. 

They switched their parking.  Now the "husband's" work truck abuts my property.  The "family car" is behind it, towards #8, now. 

I guess they didn't like me talking to the oldest.  Well, as Ron says control your animal.  Keep him off my property!  Keep him out of the street!   My PTSD does not need a small dead body in the road.   Ron made a sarcastic comment, to me (at home),  about them trying to thin the herd. 

I'm "sorry" I had to "remind" you his antics could put him in a wheelchair, or worse.  [rolleyes] 

If I had really understood the drama inherent with neighbors, I would have bought property out in the middle of nowhere.  It still baffles me, completely, why they think it is "not a big deal" to let the little boy run in the road a couple times a day, that I've seen. 

I remind myself, I've had worse. 

I know, I could do better.  I just hate it when they're home, and that's a sad statement.  I don't care about the other families surrounding me. 

It was supposed to be our day off.  I woke up at 5, no headache.  Woke up about 7:30 with a headache.  So, it's inherent to sleeping late. 

When I'm this depressed, all I want to do is sleep.  God blocks that in various ways. 

Yesterday I had odd abdominal pains.  I've mentioned this can happen when I'm depressed.  This morning I had a lot of gas, then I barely made it to the toilet before I had a mess. 

Bad enough, I'm afraid, it drove me to the disinfecting wipes (for the seat), and the shower (for me).  It was very discouraging.  It did get me in the shower.  I did my God Time later. 

I watched Supernatural reruns for a while, but it's the season right before the Apocalypse, and even the body-swapping episode is pretty depressing.  I took a nap. 

I didn't sleep well.  1.  Someone was making noise, playing loud music.  2.  #6 made some noise coming back from her errands.  and 3.  Biscuit wanted to hog the foot of the bed. 

I feel like a total shit because I bonked Biscuit with my burglar bars (swinging them closed) right as he was leaving.  I need to apologize.  He gave me such a look of bafflement and betrayal.  I got up around 1. 

I then filled out Ron's online registration forms for the colonoscopy.  Let me tell you, that was really depressing. 

My phone rang as I finished.  It was work related. 

Someone - maybe 2 people, could lose jobs if I explain, so I'll just say we had a ride to work, some work, and then came back home in some mysterious fashion.  That took another hour. 

When I came home I did my God Time.  Another hour down.  I took out the trash and accidentally bonked Biscuit with the burglar bars. 

Then I came in here to blog. 

I got rid of the mac & cheese I had for dinner last night.  It clearly doesn't agree. 

Ron's making alarming noises.  I hope this doesn't lead to a blackout. 

Ron got really, really, drunk.  I believe he is passed out on the floor right now. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh Heather I am so sorry about Ron.

please prepare yourself ..you never know when his body with give out with all this shit he is doing
I am so sorry