Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hard Times

I slept, horribly, again.  I have to think it's the Haldol.  I felt like I had 5 Mountain Dews (or cups of coffee).  I kept tossing and turning. 

Torbie knows I am having Hard Times so she got into bed with me.  I loved that.  I kept petting her as I'd toss and turn, she didn't mind.  I did have to move her out of Bed Central a couple times, because I couldn't roll over. 

Funny how a 12 pound cat can occupy so much square footage. 

Alarm went off, I hit snooze a few times, and got up.  My bedding is starting to smell funny so I did a load of laundry (bedding) before we left for work. 

Work wasn't too bad, about 33% sold out as opposed to 50-75%.  I had a lot of work to do on my candy, though.  We sell a candy bar for $1.  Our wholesale cost is between .60 and .65 cents, so it "should" be $1.25.  A gas station or convenience store sells them for a little under $2, for a standard size. 

They know it's a great deal, and they take advantage.  I hear horror stories of 7-day weeks, mandatory overtime for all, etc.  No wonder they're wanting the sugar. 

I helped Ron as much as I could.  I was a little hurt by one remark.  He asked for a Coke.  I had just finished stocking a row of candy so I threw the empty box in my trash and got it.  When I got over to Ron, he wasn't ready for it. 

He got rather rude, saying "Well, normally it takes you so long...."  I thought that was pretty awful to say to the person who's helping him, and I said just that.  He went on for a minute how I never help him the second he needs me, etc. 

I reminded him I have a LOT of other work to do, but if he wanted we could schedule extra time so I could follow him around and jump whenever he yelled "frog".  Otherwise, I told him, he might have to wait a minute if my hands were full, or I was helping a customer (I make a lot of change).  He eventually shut up but I was hurt. 

We had to go to the bank.  Ron does a periodic "change dump" now and then.  He counts the quarters on a machine we've modified so he can use it.  He puts the coins into buckets with screw on caps.  We put the buckets into large, zippered, tote bags. 

We went to the bank, walked in, and they didn't have the special deposit bags.  From my Facebook:

Today, insane. Some highlights, lugging 2 monster buckets of change to the bank to do a "change dump". But the bank was out of bags. "You mean" I almost wept "I have to take these ON THE BUS, TO WALMART?" They had a consultation and made a supply run, got 'er done.
After Walmart (Ron's prep stuff for colon run #2 is really free), the driver is an hour late and showed up with a MASSIVE attitude. How can you not find a Super Walmart, with a GPS, a Keymap, and a dispatcher? Needless to say we took another ride, instead.

I wished I could join Ron for a drink when we got home, did my God Time instead

So, as you can imagine, pretty awful.  I don't know - the driver was playing some kind of game.  All the drivers know the location of the Super Walmart and she was not a new driver. 

I was pretty pleased with my approach: When she pulled up she came over and said "Ronald?"  (generally people use his first name if they don't want to attempt pronunciation of the last name).  I said, "That's us, but after an hour of waiting, we got another ride.  He will be here in a minute".  She had a tantrum.  I couldn't believe it - how unprofessional! 

We were out here waiting, well before the pickup time.  We waited an hour.  We were nice when you pulled up, an hour late.  We, however, were sick of playing games. 

After that attitude, I was really glad I didn't have to entrust my safety to her. 

Ron will get a "bad point", he is allowed 5 a month, and only has today's.  Worth it, we agreed.  Our friend gave us a ride home instead, and we gave him some gas money which basically bought him dinner. 

That was an all around win.  I put some stuff together for Salvation Army.  I have concluded it is safe to say I will not be a size 12 again, so I'm giving them my box of "Mediums".   I'll just tell Ron it's "old clothes". 

I'm adjusting the Haldol so I take it in the morning.  If it wakes me up, let it. 

I just need to make my bed so I can lie in it! 


Heckerdy said...

I keep wanting to write a blog and then feel overwhelmed as to where to start ?
you wrote a nice blog post on blogging and I saved it hopefully I can get the nerve and just do it

so cathartic writing is

also I know even though folks do not comment they follow you, even my husband is a long time follower.

We love you share the good times and bad and always hope for more good times.

You teach us resilience and fortitude. Those are characteristics that should be cherished.

I hope like me when get through the change of life you will be free of the horrific migraines. They plagued me from puberty and I have told you this before in a comment

but stopped with my periods so keep your eye on the prize! I found no foods really affected me but I tried ..sometimes the weather changing would trigger one ..sometimes allergies ..but mostly it was hormones I am headache and period free for 6 months now! I hope this gives you hope :) much love dear girl and keep on cooking I get the korean porridge as well and do not like it runny either I like it made with salt butter and al title brown sugar (if i have heavy cream a drizzle) is it the purple rice? with beans and grains ?
be well sorry my comments are so long do not post them if you think they take too much room

hope you get to post photos and videos soon I miss seeing you! we both do!

Anonymous said...

why do people always get pissed at someone else when they obviously are in error themselves? my shrink calls it typical diversion

my husband does it a lot. IE it is my fault if he opens trips over a hose because he was "watering your plants" LOL

sorry for your struggles
i hope it helps to know you have a few loving fans out here cheering for you and very inspired by you