Friday, July 3, 2015

Our stop

Stolen from my Facebook:
Truck day. Loaded the cart with 70 some cases of product. Checked out. Loaded the truck . Rode to work. Unloaded the truck onto hand carts in feels like 100. Pushed it into the building. Stocked! Stocked some more! Helped Ron stock! Played "Tetris" with my product and what space I had in my stockroom. Made it work, thank you Jesus.

Went to the mall. Tmobile gets big props - when I told them my cat ate Ron's cell phone charger, they gave us another one free. For some reason, they remembered us.  We bought a backup phone anyway because we are hard on our toys and who doesn't need another battery? Came home. Ate. Pill Time. Very short nap, longer massage from Torbie (the devourer of power cords). Praise God, finally done for the day. 

Oh, wait. I'm crippled. I'll never live a normal life. (Per a report written when I was 17). No, I don't live a normal life. That's for sure!

More details:
Ron's cell phone charger was totally dead.  His phone was yelling at him.

I got my neon pink Pocket Juice, the charger cord, and set it up.  Ron's phone was charged in less than an hour, as we got the scenic tour of north Houston.  First, we went to the ghetto and picked up a slow client at a senior complex.  Then, we went to the gas station, well, the driver did.

He left us "unattended".  Had a supervisor seen that he would have been fired on the spot.  He took the client to day care, but they weren't open.

He actually believed the provider was "only 3 minutes away" because "They told me, on the phone".  They lie!  He probably woke them up!  [snort] 

We waited 10 minutes, no show.  He called dispatch, trying to get permission to stay "Because they'll be here in 2 minutes" (ha!), but they said no, WE had an appointment time (and a business to run, and taxes to pay).  He got all agitated because they were "making" him take us to our "drop" first. 

One client is not more important than the other.  We rode to his pickup. We rode to his dropoff.  We waited 15 minutes on the lying care provider who never showed.  That's an hour out of our day, already.  It's time to take US to OUR stop.  By this time, we ascertained Ron's phone was fully charged, and I took back my Pocket Juice. 

Muttering under his breath, the driver took us to the warehouse.  Excuse me, it's maybe 10 minutes round trip.  By the time you drop us maybe the lying care provider will actually be there.  The government pays the adult day care programs big bucks - $1,500 a month, PER CLIENT.  If you have 10 clients.. .well, you would certainly show up on time! 

Most of the centers don't even provide a lunch, even though they are required to, by law.  Again, just another reason to keep Ron out of the system. 

If he becomes uncontrollable, I would get help, but if I can avoid it, I will. 

So, we got to the warehouse.  Ron had called our truck guy and asked him to come later.  He showed up right as I was checking out. 

I got it all done today.  I'm pretty tired and a little achy. 

Ron whined a little because I don't want to download music.  He'll live. 

I do have boundaries! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you have boundaries we all should