Monday, July 20, 2015

Good news

I had a pretty horrible morning. 

Snack 2's door is completely broken now.  Why would you try to break into a dead and empty machine?  I even took out the flamingo, which is sitting on my monitor here at home. 

I barely got it open and unloaded everything we might need.  Some things had to stay in the machine.  Manual, some parts. 

We removed the rest.  It was very depressing. 

I stocked the rest of my snacks and helped Ron.  We squabbled a little: Ron always thinks I should be "on-demand".  I have other job duties, and my hands are often full of product.  I have to at least stock it so I can aid him. 

I was horribly depressed, and hadn't slept well. 

You get the idea. 

I notified our boss, as required, of the dead vending machine. 

We left work and had to sit outside someone's house for over 30 minutes because "we were early".  I get it.  Not long ago someone had to wait about 10 minutes, outside our house. 

I should have read my Kindle. 

We picked her up and chatted.  My phone rang.  The boss. 

"We will bring your new machine on Wednesday.  We don't know what we're giving you". 

"I'm not picky" I replied "I'm sure it's a good one". 

We confirmed the time, and Ron began squawking.  The cable guy was coming out to set up wi-fi. 

I hung up and told Ron this was way more important, that he knew as well as me, everything else has to melt around these deliveries. 

He rescheduled with the cable company. 

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