Monday, June 9, 2014

The way you do business

I moved half a ton of soda today. 

I woke up pretty depressed.  Doc has given me a range on my antidepressant.  I went with the higher range.  God reminded me to bring my back brace, which I did. 

We got to work and told the other vendors about the "will call" order-ability at the wholesaler. They have been making 50 case, $500 minimum, delivery orders everytime they want something.  Now they can call it in, and just pick up a couple items as needed.  I know this will be a huge blessing to them.  I'm glad we can help.  They were very happy and relieved.  I even drew her a map. 

When your business changes, you have to change the way you do business. 

Ron's supervisor was supposed to come by today, he didn't.  We mailed our percentage check, and put the reports he'd requested in the bottom of a snack machine (they provide a nice amount of very secure storage).  I stocked, and waited on the sandwich delivery. 

Metrolift rearranged our ride, and decided to come early.  Ron had to call the sandwich guy and ask if he'd come back in 4 hours.  "I'll try". 

We left and went to the warehouse.  Today was a banner day: I filled up an entire flatbed, AND a shopping cart, full of merchandise.  Two employees were especially helpful in getting the (extremely heavy) flatbed out to Ron's waiting area, out front. 

I gave them each a small tip.  I've always thought if someone goes above and beyond, you should.  They said thank you and put it away. 

Ron was very pleased when I told him, offering to pay me back.  "Ron," I told him "I used your money!"  He laughed. 

I went back in and got my snacks, in the shopping cart.  When I came out Ron said "An employee" (I suppose one of the guys who'd helped earlier) had loaded everything into the truck already.  Thanks! 

We managed to squash everything into the truck. 

"Next time" I told Ron "We should keep it around 35 cases.  40 is too much!"  That's not counting my snacks. 

Amazingly, we got to work without losing anything.  We'll call our helper Joe. 

I got my carts.  I'd emptied them earlier. 

Joe and I loaded them with merchandise.  It barely fit.  Joe pushed the carts up the ramp for me. 

I did make sure he pushed them, because pulling a heavy cart will thrash your rotator cuff.  I got Ron in the building. 

Then I pushed 3 cart's worth of merchandise into my area and unloaded all the soda.  I organized my racks and got it all loaded.  I had one leftover, sitting on a handcart. 

I'd bought some sports drinks.  I drank one after all that, because I was panting and very sweaty.  Yummy fruit punch! 

Ron put some sports drink in the fridge, and I made 3 rows in our food machine near the bottled vendor.  It's very hot and humid - lots of construction workers.  Let's make some money. 

I stocked my new merchandise, happy that I actually had leftover pastry to be frozen.  The machines look good.  Sandwiches called. 

I got him a Snickers bar and a Coke.  He was really happy to see them.  Hey, he went out of his way to accomodate us. 

"Deliverymen love to be fed" I told someone today.  Very true.  Ron was very happy I'd done it. 

I'm glad I work for a guy who'd get upset if I didn't give the deliveryman a treat.  I want to be "a good stop".  I took the sandwiches to our area. 

Ron asked for a sausage link.  I heated it up for him, getting him a bag of rib chips, and a ginger ale.  He ate while I stocked. 

Once I got the sandwiches stocked, everything looked great.  Sodas were full, food was full, snacks have a great variety and everything's stuffed - happy all around. 

We did have people asking about Monster drinks.  I think we'll be adding them to the lineup. 

I'm so tired, and my butt hurts from all the lifting.  Thank God I have tomorrow off. 

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