Thursday, June 26, 2014

I can't stop looking out the window.

There's something in my yard. 

Ron, as I mentioned, had a bad night.  I didn't receive any drama - I just ignored him and went to bed.  He made noise for about an hour and a half but that was it. 

This morning, I didn't do the shrieky thing - I just said, you need to figure out what you did wrong, so you don't repeat it.  I mentioned the vodka seemed awfully accessible, maybe he could put it in the tool cabinet (you have to bend over and reach).  He was amenable.  I plugged in his cell phone, which I found on the floor. 

Basically, I acted as Jesus would, and not hateful.  I think I did good. 

I was a little alarmed when I looked outside for the cats.  Last night, the yard gang found some fake pink crocs in the yard.  They placed them on some cinderblocks I had set up as a watch post for the cats.  Cats like to get up on high things and survey their domain. 

"It's an outside kitty condo" I told Ron. 

Baby Girl loves those blocks.  I took the shoes off the top, and put them inside the holes on the top block.  This morning, one shoe was dragged almost completely across the yard. 

A cat didn't do that.  It must have been a *larger mammal* - a raccoon or 'possum.  [shudder]  That's walking around in my yard, near my cats... ugh. 

I did my blog and made my list.  I found a really awesome bra at Walmart a few weeks back, it's a sport bra with good wicking materials, no underwire, but support.   It was priced at nearly $10, but rang at 7, which to me indicates it may be a clearance item.  I pray not.  I plan to at least hunt, today. 

I can't stop looking out the window.  It looks so nice. 

[huge sigh]  Not only did they clean it up, but they're going to maintain it.  Praise God! 

Huge, huge, load off my back. 

Now I'm just waiting to run to Walmart. 

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