Sunday, June 8, 2014

Something on the roof

I'm going to break a few rules by saying this, but it's important: when I used to type up evaluations for "limited" folk, I noticed a couple of common themes in the paperwork.  The #1 - cord wrapped around the neck, no oxygen as the baby was delivered.  #2 - nearly drowned in a pool, revived, but without oxygen too long. 

A friend of mine had a scary experience at the pool with her small children, and I told her "Most mothers don't know the swimming pool is one of the leading causes of mental limitation."  She wasn't too happy but I know she will be glad in the long run. 

Knowing that, would you take your child to the pool?  Would you allow one to be built in your yard? 

Ron and I looked at a home, years ago.  It happened to have an above ground pool and we decided against it, in part for that very reason.  We didn't want a neighbor child climbing the (very short) fence and into the pool. 

I should know.  My Dad had an above ground pool.  Twice, I donned my bathing suit, left the house on my own, and got into the pool.  I was about 3 each time. 

The first time a neighbor called my Dad and asked if he knew I was in the pool.  Dad woke up pretty fast. 

I had a rather odd holdover from my time in daycare.  I always asked Dad, at home, if I could use the toilet, even if it meant waking him up.  He'd always mumble approval. 

So, when I asked to use the pool my poor half-dead father mumbled yes.  Then, a few minutes later, he realized I had asked to use the pool.  I was extracted.  After that, he bought a heavy cover. 

Years later, my younger stepbrother got into the pool on his own and almost drowned.  After that Dad got rid of the pool. 

My personal opinion?  Pools just aren't safe for young children.  I think #6 has the right idea, a small inflatable pool.  It's got enough room for the family to splash, but not so big, or deep, a child might drown. 

Homeowners associations and municipalities seem to agree.  The new theme is "Splash pad", an above ground area with nozzles spraying water on happy children.  They can push buttons to get squirted, or run through timed sprays of water.  They look like this: 

You couldn't pay a child to drown in that. 

I think that's great. 

So, I had today off work.  No trips even, so I could sleep as late as I wanted.  However, something made a lot of racket at the neighbor's garbage can around 3 AM, waking me up.  While awake, I went ahead and used the bathroom (without permission!).   I heard something running across our roof.  It was pretty heavy so I'm hoping it was one of my cats. 

As I slept, I segued into odd dreams which is my general sign to wake up.  I did, around 7.  Ron woke up around 9 and we did the accounting stuff for a couple hours.  Then I took an hour nap (the neighbors came home and woke me up). 

A little TV, but Ron came along with a question about Cheetos.  I thought I was answering one question.  However, he had a lot to say about Cheetos.  I kind of tuned out, which upset him (hurt more than mad).  He rolled off to his man cave and took a nap. 

He's asleep in bed, curled up on his side, with Baby Girl curled up behind his knees.  It's really cute. 

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