Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Beef Jerky and Tomatoes

It's never good when I'm dreaming I have a headache.  Sure enough, when I alerted enough to get up for yet another bathroom visit, I realized I did indeed have one. 

It's never good when you find me guzzling alka-seltzer in the middle of the night, then getting up 4 hours later and taking Excedrin. 

Of course today was my day off.  I'm glad I didn't have to unload a truck full of soda, feeling like this. I'm glad I didn't need to stock or pick up buckets of change.  That would have been hideous.

I skipped my God Time.  I felt horrible, I wanted to drill a hole in my head to release all the pain.

People wonder why I don't have kids: just the migraines alone would be enough - I wouldn't want to watch someone I loved enduring what I do. 

The cats are fine, albeit a little itchy.  And I thought I saw a flea so it's time to medicate.  I like to use the monthly drops on the back of the neck. 

I couldn't find them last night, though.  Frustrating. 

Today I needed some food, some drink mix, and maybe a new pair of pants. 

Back in the old days, I used to get manic, buy a lot of inexpensive clothes, and hoard them.  Then I'd get manic and purge the stuff that wasn't me, and didn't fit.   I bet this is familiar for some of you. 

So, I'd have 10 pair of jeans in my size, and 20 that weren't.  "Because I'm going to lose weight". 

These days, I tend to have one pair of pants and wear them to death.  I'll wash them, as needed, at night and they're ready to wear the next day.  I've done this for a while now. 

I do have boxed-up stuff I already own, in smaller sizes, stored on the shelf in my closet.  I even labeled it 16-18, Medium, etc. 

I noticed my capris are fitting looser, because I'm losing weight.  That's a good thing.  Now, the old me would buy the smaller size and wear it skintight, but that's just not a good look. 

New me - buy the size that fits comfortably.  If I can see underwear lines, or have trouble pulling it up and/or zipping, it's not the right size. 

All this to say I was considering a new purchase.  For one, the existing pants are 28% polyester.  That's pretty horrible in the Houston summer.  They are also nearly as long as a pair of jeans, on me (I apparently have "short femurs" due to the Fetal Alcohol thing).  They're also pretty worn, and while I don't mind wearing the same thing everyday I don't want to look like it. 

I had decided, if I saw something good, I'd get it.  For now I can just pull any Walmart 24W off the rack and it fits.  They have gotten really good with the sizing. 

Plus, I needed to get Ron some food, maybe some bathroom cleaner, etc.  Maybe a new bra. 

You may know Hurricane Ike affected Houston in 2008.  You may not know how badly it affected the food supply.  Our usual suppliers were down for weeks. None of the stores had cold food available, and even vegetables didn't come back for weeks. 

I had a nice bunch of collards out back, so I wasn't too worried about vegetables.  I picked off a lower leaf now and then.   They made nice meals. 

However, our cold food vendor was tragic, mostly empty for quite a while.  Work provided MRE's for the workers. 

We never partook, being contracted and all.  More importantly, we had food. 

The customers weren't starving but they did get a little sick of MRE'S.  One guy asked me if I had any canned sausage, anything.

I hated I had to say no. 

I've thought for a while: I could have a hurricane stash, some canned soda, cup a noodles, and those microwave buckets (we have an excellent generator system at work, and being a federal facility are high on the list to get power back anyway).  I'd just have to buy them. 

Do I buy them?  We are "into" hurricane season.  For some reason I have "a feeling" we will see some action this year, one reason BOTH Ron and I agreed we needed to trim our tree.  Ron hates to spend money - God put it on him to do this. 

I had thought to get them today but I was a wreck.  We're going back tomorrow and I might get some supplies.  I can make room in the stockroom. 

I need to pray about it. 

I also needed to run by my bank and make a deposit before the autopay came due. 

I didn't need the seatbelt extender on the new van.  I must be losing bulk. 

I made my deposit.  I left Ron by the door and got a cart.  They must have had the wheel guy out again - this one had excellent handling.

I ran by the clothing section.  They had some nice modest shorts, with a dorky cuff.  I had the thought to unroll the cuff - it did.  I was fine with the end result, a "regular" modest short.  It was also mostly cotton with a little spandex. 

Next stop, cat supplies.  I cringed as I passed the detergent/air freshener section.  I am hypersensitive to smells when I have a migraine.  They literally hurt.  Ron had wanted a new toilet fresh - the kind you hang in the bowl.  Not today, hon. 

I found a systemic flea treatment that killed all kinds of bad things.  It also worked for all size cats.  Torbie is a big girl.  Baby Girl is about 7 pounds. 

I would do it, but I'd rather not buy 2 medicines if I can use one, interchangably.   Speaking of, time for more Excedrin. 

I sort of vibrated from all the caffeine, as the migraine lethargy, the existing depression, and the caffeine mania battled it out.  It was an interesting ride, that, for once, did not leave me feeling as though my brain were being torn apart. 

I knew I needed food even though I had no appetite.  I bought some lemon muffins I like, and some Stax (potato chips in a canister, thicker than Pringles and more flavor).  I knew when I could, I could eat those without vomiting. 

Of course the store had loads of my favorite, 2-liter, fake Diet Dr Pepper.  I stuffed some, and my beloved Diet Mountain Dew, in the cart, and rolled off for other drinks. 

I got 3 kinds of sugarfree drink mix, non acidic flavors, and got Ron the peach sparkling stuff he likes.  Ron wanted jerky and lots of it, so I put it in the cart (Ron pays for his own food).

Ron also wanted 3 cartons of grape tomatoes.  I found him some good ones.  He ate beef jerky and grape tomatoes for lunch, and dinner, tonight. 

Well, I want him to get more protein and vegetables.  I call it a win. 

He also wanted Jalapeno Cheetos, which he got.  For a guy who eats like he does, he's amazingly healthy. 

I got him some TV dinners, his favorite: the "Mexican" - Don Miguel Beef Enchilada, and the Nighthawk "Top Chop't".  I got some cup-a-noodles and some baked beans.  I have a lot of food at home.  He also likes the Jack Links Teriyaki sausage hot links. 

I also bought a cheesecake.  When I got home I ate enough that I could take my pills.  Praise God. 

I also "jumped" Torbie and medicated her before she had a chance to resist.  I believe that's why I haven't seen Baby Girl in hours. 

She knows she's next. 

When we got home, I gave Ron his (non perishable) food, and put the perishables away.  I took a nap for a couple of hours. 

The headache is better, but it's not "gone" yet.  I'll be glad when it does. 

So, I have to work tomorrow.  At least I won't have a migraine. 

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