Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bible Handouts in the ghetto

Ron was up all night with horrific neuropathy. 

I didn't think he'd want to go, but he did. 

It was great. 

I have a huge desire to compare the two churches, but I won't.  They're both good churches with good people. 

That said, one is in the Metrolift service area.  Ron had talked to one guy from the church on Friday night.  Today the man walked right up to Ron, grabbed his hand, and called him by name.  Ron loved it. 

Everyone was very friendly and accepting.  A mixed-race blind man in a wheelchair might not be welcome at some churches, but they were great.  They get an A plus.  Ron brought a small photo book - he likes to show it to new people so they can get a better understanding.  They all looked at it, exclaiming over the photos. 

We got there early, so we had some time to "visit".  No one ran screaming when they heard about Bible Handouts in the ghetto. 

I liked the layout of the "meet and greet" area - it was expansive and very welcoming.  I had an easy time parking Ron and finding my own seat. 

I had an easy time parking Ron in the sanctuary and the service was similar to the others.  Different songs, but that's a small thing.  I'm tone-deaf anyway, so it's just a matter of what song I'm murdering. 

Ron was thrilled when I told him the church parking lot (strip mall) is shared with a Burger King.  He begged me to get him a Whopper, after church.  I found one of the "elders" (I guess that's what they are in the Calvary Church) and told him I wasn't abandoning Ron, but getting him lunch.  I left Ron outside at his request and got him lunch. 

When I came back, a woman was flipping through the photo book, crouched down at Ron's side.  We introduced ourselves and she left. 

I excitedly told Ron the corner would be perfect for a Bible Handout.  "They even have a ramp!"  I'll see if God wants that.  I would love to work a new area. 

We had some traffic on the way home but Ron and I agreed this is great, we'll do it again. 

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