Sunday, June 15, 2014

Our purpose

Still horribly depressed. 

I got up, did my God Time, took a shower, and went to the warehouse with Ron.  It wasn't too bad. 

On the way back, one of our drivers (who's been with the company for decades) said the other clients comment how much they love to ride with us, we're "fun", etc.  That's nice to know. 

"I don't see many couples" he told me "Who still love each other."  That's very sad. 

God has me here for that?  It's that important?  [sigh]  I don't know.  I'm not telling God what to do, either. 

I don't know.  Like I tell Ron, if we knew "our purpose" - every detail, "We'd screw it up." 

I did get my snack machine inventory.  I'm happy about that. 

The neighbors were loading up as we arrived.  I probably should have greeted them, but I just unloaded and focused on Ron. 

I guess I worry if I get too friendly, the crazy will slip out and they'll flee.  They are pretty quiet and they like the cats. 

I have no doubt they'd sell if they knew the - ah - levels in my head.  I'd sell. 

I have to get up really early tomorrow.  I pray I can get a good amount of sleep. 

We'll see. 

I've had some new favorite songs I've played, again and again, on Youtube.  I finally bought them last night and got them on my mp3 player, hard drive, and backup flash drive (not stored near the computer).  I even got a $1 gospel album with 40 nice songs. 

This morning, I made a playlist of the new stuff, and another of the "God" stuff - mainly hymns I can enjoy while I'm doing my God Time.  I don't want anything too rowdy for that. 

Oh, I'm tired and groggy from my meds. 

"I always know I'm depressed" I told Ron "When I count the minutes until I can go to bed." 

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