Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pharma whore

Medication, I was told recently, is a scam for (big pharmaceutical companies) to addict people with so-called "mental illness". 

I was told that people with mental illness are often just "toxic" and need a good cleanse, the right vitamins.  Perhaps an elimination diet. 

But, the speaker allowed, she guessed it was OK for me to take my medications, having all those nasty psychotic epsisodes and all. 

The only thing that smokes me more than being told I don't need medication, is someone "allowing" me to take it.  I find both infuriating. 

I went nuclear when she told me her son had "been diagnosed bipolar" but she had taken him off his meds.  She told me he was "fine". 

She had shared some information a while back that indicated quite the opposite, but I felt God did not want me to throw it at her.  I didn't. 

Where, oh, where, do I start? 

Well, I don't have kids.  I only have a few cats, but I have a theory. 

It is stigmatizing to have a disabled child.  Parents are judged and told perhaps they didn't do everything right.  In the case of my birthmother, you are correct.  She didn't care for her fetus, so I was born disabled. 

But mental illness is a mutation; most often. Sometimes it's genetic but sometimes it's spontaneous.  No fault illness. 

Try to tell that to some people; and I know why so many hide their illness.  Some people can be vicious, telling you you're an addict, weak, unspiritual (I get that a lot), overloaded with toxic chemicals, and in need of very expensive vitamins to "purify" you. 

Others just look down at me, and I always feel a little relieved they've dismissed me.  Imagine you know people like that, or, God forbid, have them in your family. 

They always view any kind of severe mental illness as a parental deficiency, a character flaw, or spiritual weakness. Perhaps all 3.   Now your child has a diagnosis. 

You know, if you give your child medication, the truth will out eventually.  You'll get judged and condemned for being a "bad parent".  Everyone will tell you you're doing it wrong, you're a big pharma whore, and you're ruining your child's life. 

Or, someone comes along and says you don't need medication.  Just try this vitamin, and do a good cleanse.  Your child will be fine.  Maybe, they add, he has a gluten issue. 

Mental illness does go into remission on occasion, so perhaps remission occurs as you begin the new routine.  You really think it works. 

Fast forward a few decades: everyone I know, unmedicated, with mental illness, is a wreck.  Nearly all of them are alcoholic.  Their lives are chaos. 

One took a bottle of sleeping pills as she drank a bottle of wine.  She had assured me that she was *better* than me and could control her illness solely through diet.  After the incident, I encouraged her to rethink medication.  I can't repeat her response. 

I've known a couple parents who were inconsistent with the medication, taking them on and off at whim, then complaining that it didn't work.  "Tell the doctor what you're doing" I always advised.  "So they know it's your fault and not the medication" I thought privately.  They stopped conferring with me after that; I believe they wanted me to endorse their behavior and I won't. 

I know people think I lean towards medication; but here's the thing - they don't have my experience.  The worst thing they've endured is a mild depression, job loss, or perhaps the death of a pet.  They've never laid in bed suicidal, haunted by things that aren't there.  They have no concept what I endure or how much it's improved on my medication. 

When it comes to "crazy" - I'm the expert. 

So, I ended, if it's a mild issue like some mild ADD or a moderate depression, use whatever modality you think will work.  But when it comes to the hardcore stuff; bring out the drugs. 

Hardcore: schitzophrenia, bipolar, moderate to severe depression. 

If that makes me a big pharma whore, so be it. 

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