Monday, September 23, 2013


Last week, when I met "Larry" the manager, I had frizzy hair because I'd been too depressed to fix it.  This morning, I presented an even more authoritative image, with sugarfree chocolate frosting smeared on the right breast of my light-colored t-shirt.  [facepalm]  I didn't notice until I'd gotten to work. 

I brought some sugarfree devil's food cupcakes for the other vendor's diabetic employee.  I didn't want him to feel deprived as I handed out brownies, but I don't want to hurt him.  I tucked them in my pan with several chocolate peanut butter chip brownies. 

Apparently, not very well!  [laugh] 

So, we went to work.  I did an inventory, and boy I needed chips.  We stocked what we had and I gave away brownies to the other vendors and the "girls" in the credit union. 

I know things are tense at work.  The other vendor really disappointed me, making a few comments that really stuck. 

"I don't need to worry about money".  Well, that's nice.  But you don't need to shove it in my face.

"I will never allow you to put a vending machine in *my* area."  "His" area encompasses 95% of the building! 

Then we get to my favorite; he was talking to one of his employees "Wouldn't that be great if Ron went out of business?  We'd get so much more money!"  They were excited about it. 

I was completely revolted.  I mean, I kind of expected it.  I'm a "plan for the worst-case scenario" kind of girl.  I don't expect an easy outcome. 

It was a big disppointment to have my worst fears confirmed so easily. 

I like to think I am helpful to them. I get one of their deliveries every week.  I am always willing to help out. 

Do I think they "owe" us anything?  No. 

I'm not out to make myself a saint.  God saw it.  God knows every heart; including mine. 

I would have liked to hear something encouraging. 

However, the day got funny pretty fast.  I was kidding around with Ron, and he said "Where will they put our machines?" 

I started singing this:

as I opened the door and pulled his wheelchair out into the hall (we both had to go to the bathroom, so I took him).  I heard a chuckle and there's "Larry", smiling at us. 

He came by later and asked me some more questions about the machines.  I feel like he's on our side, he's going to do what he can to help. 

He didn't want a brownie, though. 

The credit union massacred them, instead.  "You should put them in the machines" Ron said, after eating one.  I wonder if they agree. 

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