Friday, July 2, 2021

Thursday and some of Friday

 I developed an odd rash on my left wrist, I think it is related to the Boswellia/Curcurmin supplement I put in with my pills.  I forgot, the last time I took it I had a mild rash as well.  So I took all the supplements out of my pill organizer (save vitamins), got out my steroid cream, and it looks better today.  

Yesterday I also took an allergy pill which left me with a ferocious dry mouth, I won't be doing that again.  Work was fine, I got there fine and had plenty of time to do my thing before I had to clock in.  I never wear my vest unless I am on the clock.  

The woman in the wheelchair came back, she was (again) very rude to staff and threw a bunch of clothes on the floor which did not endear her to my associate.  She comes in at very busy times demanding an employee be assigned to help her.  When Ron was going to Walmart we would get there around 8 in the morning and had the store to ourselves.  And he always took me so he didn't have to ask for help.  

My gripe with her other than making me chase after her (electric wheelchair) running around the perimeter of the store twice with me literally panting running after her (she had the wheelchair in full zoom mode, it was electric), she knew I got off at 3 and kept me "helping" her until well after, causing me to miss my bus and get home an hour late.  She also complained she should get her own checkout line and "forgot" to buy salad dressing so "I have to go back".  I will not volunteer to help her again.  

If you are disabled and not working you can come into the store at literally any time.  It doesn't make sense to come in at the most busy times and then complain when you have to wait in line.  Especially since I presume she has Metrolift and has to make the trips in advance.  

Anyway, I was glad they kept me at my job yesterday.  I am using the McDonald's gift cards to buy lunch for myself at work.  I buy it ahead of time and then I can eat it on my lunch without having to go anywhere.  That is nice.  

Yesterday I started at 2 so I got 2 breaks and a lunch.  Today I start at 3 so just one break and a lunch.  I am never really excited about taking a lunch as they are unpaid; but it does get me off my feet.  Today should be fine with regards to weather but it will be a washout this weekend.  

I'm with Ron; you want a lot of rain on your house July 4th weekend.  Especially in unincorporated Houston where the neighbors all spend hundreds of dollars on their fireworks.  One year we had tenants next door, never done fireworks, got very drunk, setting them off, and we worried they would "point" something at our roof and light us up.  Instead the father burned his hand on a firework so they stopped.  

It will make it more challenging to get to work, though.  Happily Sat/Sun are my short days (4 hours) so I can wear my older shoes, it doesn't matter if they get wet.  Monday, too, a short day and also could have some rain.  

I have been praying for a boring tropical season we will see if God listens.  You are welcome to send one up yourself!  

I had my aunt screen shot the image of the paid off mortgage statement and printed that up for my prayer journal.  That is definitely an answered prayer.  

The cats are good, I didn't see a lot of them last night but there was a tomcat in the backyard.  The black and white one I believe Ron called "Marty".  It looks like someone's pet just interested in that pet door.  Pretty sure it is a tom.  No way Biscuit will let him in the house (and I don't want another cat).  Since it will be raining all weekend I imagine I will see my cats once that starts.  

I need to figure out what I am doing with litter: Walmart doesn't deliver the 38 pound case anymore.  I am not having my aunt run me to get litter every week.  I prefer to save her for things like the Post Office.  I will likely be getting it from Chewy but I need to figure out the delivery window on that.  If I order it Sunday when does it arrive at my house?  So I can be there.  I am only a couple hundred miles from the distribution center but it is a heavy item so it may take longer.  

I slept OK but woke up with a headache around 4.  I managed to beat it back (I always have headache pills in my bag) but I will keep an eye on it.  Tonight shouldn't be too bad at work, minus my lunch it is only 6 hours.  I am getting on well with my coworkers.  

I need to go take my shower.  That's it for now.  

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