Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Tuesday all by itself

 I am sleeping better but I wake up very tired.  I was/am also depressed so I'm sure that is a factor.  I got up, took care of the cats.  

I cleaned the water bowl (the electric fountain one, and the basic bowl).  The cats were very annoyed at my scrubbing and filter changing but I want them to have fresh water.  When I put it down Torbie and Biscuit were jockeying for position until I put the "standard" water bowl down as well.  

My aunt is coming to pick me up.  I did my God Time and did some candy, this time I added some Snickers and taffy to the mix.  I can't do them when I am out on the bus but it will work in a car.  

Hopefully my mood will improve.  

Wow, I just looked up July 2015 blogs.  Talk about depressing.  Ron having blackouts, verbally abusing me, leaving his phone in the sink, work dramas, don't miss any of that.  

I miss Ron of course, the sweet man he was at the end.  He was very kind and appreciative.  But up to about a year ago it was hell.  I guess I need to remember that.  

And checking the blog I saw I had over a million hits total.  I don't know how I feel about that, I know a lot of it is bots.  But still nice that people want to read what I have to say.  

I will try to do a video blog later.  

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