Monday, July 19, 2021

Sorry about the lag finally got a Monday for you

 OH, Wow, last post was Thursday.  Well, work has been fine.  Tax free weekend should be interesting, though.  I would love to talk more about what I do but I don't feel comfortable after last year's stalking problem.  My bosses and co workers seem happy with me, so do the customers.  That is all that matters.  

Walmart's happy and I'm getting enough money to live on for now.  I am getting very comfortable going to and from on the bus.  

On the longer days (weeknights) I take Jack but he may be going out of town pretty soon so I may have to take the bus.  I am sure I will be fine taking it at night if it comes to that.  

Home is OK mood has been alright, somewhat depressed but functional.  To be expected I just lost my husband and it has been a hell of a year.  First the epic ice storm disaster then Ron dying, losing my job, job hunt, going to work for Walmart, that is a lot of weight.  

I have been really tired an hour or two after getting home, even on the short days, so I went to bed early those days, and last night.  And I needed the sleep.  I woke up at 3 AM today.  

Well a little back story on that.  TMI alert.  So I had my cycle on May 10.  Normal event.  Then nothing until now, almost 3 months.  I decided I could not take a chance of bleeding all over something on the bus or at work, so every day I worked I wore a tampon and pad.  A little inconvenient and not free of cost but worth it.  And yesterday when I pulled out the tampon I had started my period.  

So I did my usual routine and went to bed, woke up in a lake of blood this morning it was like a murder scene.  It took me quite a while to clean up.  I took some Advil which helps slow blood flow.  Got out the good supplies which I will be taking to work.  Had to wash the bedding of course.  

Pretty safe to say my fertility is about at an end.  I actually hope to do full menopause before I start dating that way it will be very clear to anyone I am not having kids.  

Now I need to take a shower, I will go do that.  Actually going to give that a few minutes.  I have a less coveted set of sheets, basic cheap poly cotton I will put on the bed tonight.  I don't care if I bleed on them.  I also put some more towels on the bed the one I had in place worked pretty well.  

I had a vinyl comforter cover but it didn't work well for me.  Maybe I will ask for a good waterproof cover for Christmas.  Or just buy one at work once my discount kicks in a few weeks.  That's 10% savings on a lot of items.  That will probably equate to me getting $12 an hour instead of eleven.  But to be honest I am just happy I have anything coming in.  I have often thought how much money I give Walmart and I will get a little back now.  

I also got a stylus (set, it was cheaper than buying one stylus) yesterday at work so it should be easier to log into the app now.  When I get stressed my hands are a mess it is embarrassing.  But of all the things I could get, pain issues, digestive or skin problems (Ron had terrible psoriasis which got worse when stressed), the hands don't look so bad.  And both my parents had/have those issues themselves.  So I come by it honestly.  I just developed it sooner than them I think.   

Am I interested in medication?  Not really I am still functional.  I take enough pills.  

Cats are good.  I am not as worried about work, I have had a super plus tampon onboard for 2 hours with no leaks.  I plan to wear/take ultras to work and double with a #5 pad, that will definitely do it.  I have read a lot about heavy flows in the menopause group.  Pretty much everyone in my family (women) had a hysterectomy so I am on my own.  I know very little about my birth mother other than the fact she would go months without a cycle, have one, back to months without.  So the group is helpful for this sort of thing.  

That's it for now, I will be posting after I get home from work.  I leave for work in about an hour and a half, I have the first (!) load of laundry almost done.  

It's a good thing I take an iron tablet!  

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