Monday, July 5, 2021

Monday (really my Friday, night)

 I didn't get much sleep last night, Jack came pretty late (of course that was fine he was bringing a gift!), and then the neighbors did the usual fireworks thing.  I was not depressed, I naturally went to happy thoughts of years past.  

I got up and got ready for work.  I admit I was a bit petulant about going to work.  It is an hour and a half to two hours each way.  Why God did You not give me a job closer to home?  I don't know.  But it is my belief He wants me there so I went.  

Work was OK.  Texas cut off the "extra" unemployment on the first so everyone is scrambling for a job.  I had someone come wandering by my work area looking for the "hiring manager".  Let me tell you (between us).  I went to Walmart dot com.  I looked for the jobs link, clicked it.  I applied at the store I wanted (could access on the bus) and filled out the application, uploaded my resume, and took the skills tests.  Then I waited.  A few weeks later the hiring manager called ME and offered me a job sight unseen (although I am sure she checked out my Facebook).  I don't tell job seekers this.  I just tell them to apply online and they can also see the status of the application online, and if they are not getting results to consider their availability.  

Other than that not much to say except busier than it was on the fourth.  I would have thought it would be the other way around but what do I know.  I did vending machines, it's been a long time since I did retail in a big box store.  

I finished my shift, and was not happy to find the timeclock app had BOOTED me right before time to clock out.  But this has happened before so I went to Personnel (they have computers for just this sort of thing) and logged out that way.  I will have to re log in before work on Thursday or go back to Personnel.  Again, they are fine with this, I go to the computer and put in my user ID and passcode, store # and it logs in or out, lunch or back from lunch, etc.  So I did that.  

I unfortunately got out late enough to miss the first bus.  I use some pretty busy routes (not the busiest) so another one came a while later but it resulted in me taking 2 hours to get home on my Friday night.  I have two days off after this (which means more posts for you!).  It was pretty uneventful except for 2 things: 2 of the drivers did not want the candy, and I had the Monday Evening Homeless guy again.  

Last Monday I had a homeless guy with disgusting feet and filthy clothes on the bus bench.  The bus driver took one look at him and passed us both up, I had to chase him down and get him at the light.  But he wasn't happy opening that door because the other guy followed me on the bus (did not get off when I did, though).  

Today it was a different homeless guy, also filthy, reeking, carrying several stained bags and a six pack of beer.  And I had the "usual" homeless guy begging on the corner.  

It was a little challenging for me.  I WORK.  I am disabled twice over, mourning a terrible loss, traveling 3 to 4 hours on the bus every day just to make a living.  I also bathe every day regardless of whether I "feel" like it, and trust me there are plenty of places these guys can get a bath.  They know better than to ask me for money but they do scare off the bus drivers.  

If I have just spent the entire day traveling and earning a living the last thing I want to do is get passed up.  So I resolved, if this happened again, I would not sit on the bench next to the guy, but stand at the pole indicating we are not "together" and I really would appreciate a ride home.  And it worked.  Actually I think the guy on the bench was offended I didn't sit next to him (he really stank), because he got up and left.  The begging guy kept doing his thing in the middle of the road.  

Now one might make the point I did have the Go Fund Me but that was set up by a friend without my knowledge, given to me as a fait accompli.  I needed it of course so I took it.  And I sent thank you notes to everyone.  The second I got a viable job offer I took it even thought it means working nights and weekends.  Because I have to be a responsible human.  

This is an issue for me.  Ron kind of fed that he had so many "outs" on being a responsible person and he didn't take a one.  He worked, provided for me and the cats, paid his taxes, didn't ask for anything outside of his disability check which he earned.  If Ron could do that so can I.  

Now I will say I clock in 5 minutes, and leave 5 minutes, early every day because that works better for the bus but they seem OK with that.  The driver seemed rather harried (the last driver out of 3) and smiled I think when I thanked her sincerely for bringing me home so I could enjoy my days off.  She was very sweet.  

All of my drivers have been awesome except the one guy who tried to pass me up, and who can blame him?  I wouldn't want that on my bus either.  I got off, a little exciting crossing the busy street at the subdivision, but clearly I got across alive.  

I will say, between us, twice, going to work I almost ran out in front of the southbound bus trying to cross the street.  Not smart, Heather.  Ron would be furious if I got run over by a bus.  I need to remember to look both ways.  I am still getting the hang of it but getting more comfortable.  

That's good I was about prostrate with anxiety anywhere near that road for years.  There are many streets I still won't cross on foot, like Westheimer, or Veterans.  But I do OK in my little world.  

I still have questions for God about the Walmart job, does He want me to do that long-term?  Should I be looking for something else?  I don't feel a prompting to that... but it will be difficult to live on what I'm currently making.  So questions.  I figure God will send me a sign one way or another.  I do find it funny, instead of one boss I seem to have several, but I think I get along OK with everyone.  

The cats are good.  They were not happy last night with the fireworks but Torbie was in my lap.  Not afraid at all, purring and happy.  She spent a month at the shelter so nothing fazes her.  Much like a war veteran I knew (from Vietnam) who told me "Nobody beat me and I got to eat all I wanted, it's a GOOD day!"  Damn.  You look at it like that...Anyway I gave the cats a can of turkey shreds for breakfast and that made them very happy, they ate every scrap.  

My rash is a little better I will do a video blog tomorrow and show it off (it is near my wrist).  My aunt is coming we will run some errands tomorrow.  

Jack's BBQ plate was ample and delicious.  I have enough for a few days.  

That's it for now.  

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