Monday, February 20, 2012

I don't want to hear about your bowel movements.

I don't.  Please don't tell me about your bowel movements. That is TMI.

I am sick of the ads for the "yogurt that makes you poop".  The people act so relieved that they're "regular" now.  PLEASE.

If you don't screw with your body and eat nourishing foods, your body can take care of itself.  Every body has it's own system.  You don't need to eat special yogurts, take laxatives, or take purgatives to "cleanse your colon".

I remember one time, back when I was eating low fat.  (I got fat this time because I ate sugar, let's be clear) I guess I had watched one too many ads on TV or read an article on "sluggish digestion".  I got some of the "Dieter's Tea".  I drank it.

I sure went to the bathroom, but as I sat on the toilet looking at the blood all over the toilet paper, it dawned on me that it was a BAD IDEA to screw with my system.  I threw the tea out and have never used another product again.

Plenty of my drivers, especially the women, are very into the use of colon cleansers.  They like to tell me about it.  The "cleanser" generally has fiber, plus a purgative.  A purgative is a very strong laxative that literally empties you out.

That is not a good thing.  Unprocessed feces are not causing your "bloat".  Your diet is making you bloat.  Carbs make you bloat, or vegetables if you are unaccustomed to eating them.   I have such bad reaction to flax bread I have had to eliminate it (the kind made entirely of ground flax, with a little egg and baking soda).  I get horrible heartburn, gas, cramps, and bloating; because my body doesn't like it.  So, I stopped trying to eat it.

That reminds me, I have a taste for some pumpkin pudding now.  Oh, I love my pumpkin pudding.  I need to look up my recipe.

Kenneth Cooper, the father of Aerobics, once said "I never met a constipated jogger".  That's a very good point.

Lack of water causes your body to retain water and therefore bloat.

Taking a harsh stimulant will only harm your body.  Please, don't.

Now, let's talk about the "female odor" thing.

My husband has a very good point.  "What about male odor?" he asks.  "I think some men smell pretty horrible.   I'm not even close to them and they are funky."  He drawls the last word.  Then, he probably starts humming "We got the funk"  I join in "Get up off the funk..."

God designed our bodies to work amazingly well.  Do you really thinking shoving a bunch of synthetic chemicals up your hoo-ha will have a good result?  Aren't you worried about cancer?  Irritation?  Allergies?

Now, admittedly, I've only had sex with my husband, but he's never once said "Oh, you need a douche".  No.  In fact, he has begged me to never, ever, use those products.  I told him I wouldn't if he paid me.

When I started getting female exams they always asked me and breathed a sigh of relief when I told them no.  You can actually wash a superficial infection into your pelvic organs, using that stuff.  YUCK.

And the itch creams.  If you are constantly itching, you need to see your doc.  You need to get rid of things that might be causing the itch (pads, douche, deodorant spray).  You should probably switch to "natural fiber" undergarments.  Now, I'm not a doctor, that's why you go see one, but I'm sure Doc will tell you the same thing, as he's running tests.  Even some condoms can cause an allergy.

Which leads me to the old "The Bible really had the right idea about your sex life" talk.  God designed people to have sex in the context of marriage.  If you are, then you don't need to worry about many of the things that others will have to manage.

Some try to say, you HAVE to have kids.  I disagree.  I've written whole chapters on that subject.

About the only thing the media and I agree:  underarm deodorant.  Good stuff.  I like the Arm & Hammer Naturals Fresh.  It doesn't have the aluminum, which left marks on my clothes (even the no mark formulas).  I think my skin breathes better, even though the stuff has a positively un-natural list of ingredients.  Ron prefers another brand, the traditional stick.

Do I use all that "special facial" crap?  No.  I have oily skin, I need to take it off, not put it on.  I use an inexpensive bar soap and it works well.  Makeup?  No.

But you could tell that from the video blog.

I am a little vain about my hair, though; although you'll never catch me primping in a bathroom mirror.

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