Friday, February 24, 2012

Do it

My internet's been a little iffy today.  Hopefully I'll get this up.

I got a lot of sleep last night, but learned I have to turn over very carefully.  I accidentally got a sheet wrapped around my bad toe, and let me tell you, I won't do that again.  It was definitely yelling BROKEN at me.

Even though I didn't miss a milligram of medication, I've just been in a horrid mood all day.  It's a good thing I have had internet trouble.

I can tell when I go looking for fights.  Yes, I do.  [sigh]  NOT proud of that.  Fortunately God didn't let me find any.

Ron and I had a very pointless argument about a keyboard.  I felt he should get rid of it, he wants to use it.  I've been so horribly cranky I can't reason well.

And I'll restate, I took everything.  I took a whole day's worth of lithium at dinner last night (OK by Doc).  I took my morning dose, and my noon dose.  I'm about to take my night dose, and all the pain stuff I took yesterday is supposed to raise my lithium level.

So, I have to chalk it up to bad day.  Some days are just not great.

Ron gave me the day off; we work tomorrow instead.  I slept in until about 8, I had to get up for various reasons.

I got up, ate.  Got queasy, stayed there for hours.  Whined about it.  Did most of my God Time.  Cleaned up a little.  Went to Burger King with Ron (that was good).  Came home, tried to take a nap.  Even that didn't work.

About the only thing that went right was feeding the cat!

I'd like to look at my faith for a minute.  My faith may look a lot different from other faiths out there.  I don't go to church.  I pray and study my Bible at home.  I don't even have a go-to favorite version.  I avoid the KJV version at all costs, I simply can't understand.  The last time I took communion, the "body" gave me hives.  [snort]  I felt like something out of a bad horror movie.

A lot of purists are fairly horrified by some of my practices.  I've set Bibles on the floor.  I'll let the cat sleep on a Bible if he likes it.  I take them home in trash bags if it's raining.  I buy used Bibles.  I threw out a Bible once; I had left it in a coat pocket, washed it, and effectively ruined it.  Probably the worst thing I've ever done to a Bible, even if I did get it at the thrift shop.  I keep non-re-giftable Bibles for myself.  I have several paperback NKJV versions as a result.  They had a bad run at the mill one day.

 I don't really believe in the word "sacred".   However, I do hold one thing sacred: Praying for other people.  No matter what, that is going to happen.  If I'm sick, it may be a short and fervent prayer for the unreached in general, or the recipients.  I feel a huge debt to the recipients.  I helped introduce them to God; I have an obligation to pray for them.

It's nice to know, on a day that went really badly (including Ron yelling the terrorist phrase, out in public, one day he will be badly beaten for doing so, and not by me!), I can still pray for them.  For you.

So, off I go to do it.

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