Friday, February 17, 2012

Cliff Notes

Here's the latest tract Ron's been handing out.  He wrote it himself:

Here are Cliff Notes for the Bible.  For those of you who've never read The Bible! 
(I think it's too long anyway, should have had a short version to be read in one or two days!)
So, #1.  Jesus is the son of God.
#2.  He came here to Earth, and was whipped thirty-nine times, then was nailed to a cross, for us!
And after three days, He was brought back to life, just to teach us there's life after this one!
That was truly a bad day!
He took our whipping, so we wouldn't have to get one.  Why?  I honestly don't know!
THEY SAY He loves us, but I wouldn't!
I think He loves too much, and the wrong crowd, but, I'm very glad He does!
The Bible says there's none good, no, not even one!  After living today, I believe it!
I've read that our best deeds are like dirty diapers to Him, but we think we're cool!  Just ask us!
We humans do all kinds of dumb stuff!  
#3.  If we want to be with Him in Heaven, after we die, or, are raptured, kind of like, beam us up Scottie, in Star Trek,
then all we have to do is accept His undeserved gift of forgiveness!
Now, we will fall in the mud at least once a day, but the trick is to get up immediately,
clean yourself off, then try a better way!  And feel regret and remorse, then say you're sorry, and mean it!
You can fool people, but not Him.
But remember, you are forgiven, because of His actions, not yours.
The Bible says we are forgiven by Grace, not by works, lest any one should boast!
#4.  What a drag it would be, to have your creations be afraid of you, and your creative powers,
so that you couldn't even have a decent conversation with them, without them freaking out!
You can't change the past, no matter how bad it was, or, how much you regret doing it.
You can only change the future, or tommorrow!
Guilt without change is a mental game!  Instead, He wants change and improvement!
#5.  Learn how to love God, and, everything He stands for, and then, learn how to love others as yourself!
I say "learn" because we are scared rabbits at first, but we've been taught to love and see God in our parents' way, not the true way.
I believe being born again, means seeing and experiencing God in a fresh, new way, not just because we were told to do it THIS WAY!
Imagine a whole planet, where nobody killed, committed adultery, stole, lied, or covetted your neighbors' mate, or things!
We take it for granted, that of course you lock up everything, or somebody evil, will steal from you, and that's normal!
In my Heaven, there are no need of locks, ever!
#6.  It may be hard for some of you to have faith, but I've heard it said, that having no faith is like going to WalMart, with no money!
Reread the line above, it's important!
#7.  Try and learn to think positive!  AS YOU BELIEVE, SO SHALL IT BE DONE UNTO YOU! 
See why negative thinking could hurt you?
That's my big problem.
There's a song that says, I've been down so long, that bottom looks like up!  Yep, that's me!
Ok, keeping it short and sweet!
He's gonna rapture us one day, but nobody knows when, except Him!
We will meet with Him in the air!  Once we're all gone, THEY will probably say, THE ALIENS TOOK THEM!
If you're stil here, remember, DON'T TAKE THE MARK!
THEY wil say you can't buy or sell without a mark!
They will mark you in the right hand, or the forehead!  Just say NO, and God will take care of you.
Or, take the mark, and get your butt kicked!  Easy choice!
Revelation thirteen talks about the mark.
Jesus said He's not coming back to Earth, until everybody has heard about Him,
so spread the news, or make copies of this, and leave them around!
No one has to know you did it!  But isn't it great to know that He'll know?
Thanks for taking the time to read my little note!

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