Monday, June 11, 2007

"What are you?"

One of the worst questions I ever received came in a letter. My childhood friend had looked me up and was curious about my life. He was happy to hear I was happily married, gainfully employed, and a homeowner. The gist of the question was "What are you? What are your religious beliefs? I've heard you talk about prayer."

I was very discouraged. I am a Born-Again-Christian-Jesus-Christ-as-my-lord-and-savior-confess-repent-forgive-all-my-sins-love-God-love-your-neighbor-as-yourself-keep-the-commandments Christian. OK?

Agh. My spiritual gift is not evangelism. My spiritual gift is nurturing. I feel I put it to good use. God sees what I do and knows my heart.

I just had to get this out. I never want to hear that question again.

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