Tuesday, June 5, 2007

"I don't tell you not to see"

This happened on Sunday, the 3rd. We're at work. Ron wants to change a "Flavor Strip" on our soda vending machine ("Soda 3"). It's a good old Vendo, very reliable. However, the Lipton just wasn't selling.

Ron had me get the "Flavor Strips" (the label that goes behind the clear plastic button you push to get your soda) for our Vendos. I read off the flavors and he decided he's going to put 7up instead.

We go into the breakroom. It's not very large, maybe 15 feet square. A TV is mounted on the wall in one corner, and our soda machine is in the other corner on the same wall. The TV is turned up extremely loud, and Ron (who's 30% deaf - nerve deafness) starts complaining and asking the guy to PLEASE TURN IT DOWN! The guy, with maintenance, isn't exactly warm and cuddly on the best of days, and today's no exception.

Ron asks him to turn it down again, this man is on a break and we have to work there (turns out later the guy was even off the clock!). No response, so I walk over there and turn it down myself. A commercial break passes and then the man gets up and turns the television even LOUDER. The other postal worker in the room gets up and leaves, sensing the imminent wierdness.

We are still working on the machine and we have a limited amount of time. Ron asks the guy why the TV is so loud. The man starts yelling. "Ron, are you blind?" Yes, he is, but what does that have to do with the TV? The guy keeps yelling "Are you blind? Are you blind?"

Cue strange music... this is beyond wierd and into schitzophrenia (sp). I am looking at the guy with an alarmed and twitchy expression no doubt.

"Are you blind, Ron? I don't tell you not to see, do I?" What do you say to that?
"So don't you tell me not to hear!"

I got Ron the hell out of there and Ron called his boss. He made a good point. If the guy is that deaf, he needs to see an audiologist (hearing doctor). If he's that deaf, they need to reevaluate his work assignment and make sure he isn't a danger to the other employees.

Me, I think TWO people in that room should be taking Lithium. Or something!

I am very pleased that I remained so calm and didn't go "Mama Bear" on him. I tend to be fiercely overprotective when I feel Ron is being threatened.

CUCKOO! CUCKOO! I saw the guy at work today and we made a big point of ignoring each other.

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