Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Heather gets her blood test and whines on other topics

I finally got my lithium blood test. Thank you, Quest Diagnostics. They were great. As far as I'm concerned, the $60 was money well spent. I was especially happy when the technician made such a nice quick poke. No jabbing around and apologizing, no long owie... just wham. I looked down and the large tube was filling, then I'm done and out of there. The Daffy Duck bandaid was, however, a disappointment. It fell off and I had to get another bandaid out of my purse.

I didn't get a T-shirt or a snack. And they didn't even thank me for donating! Waaah! It all came together really well and I was very happy when I saw she drew the blood exactly 12 hours after my last dose. I plan to go there again for my next test and I'd tell anyone about my happy experience. It was a very professional, high-quality place. Only I would bring my own hamburger to eat afterwards, along with a 20-ounce soda to wash it and my pills down. If I don't take my lithium and lexapro with a good meal, I get really goofy. They have Dr P's fax number so I expect to hear from him in a few days.

Things I'm not happy about:
  • Where are my books from Alibris? They said I'd get them on or by the 20th. It's the 20th! Where are the books? I paid almost $15 in shipping! I'm going to get the spindle I ordered Saturday before I get the books I ordered 10 days before! They are not on my happy camper list. was better on the used books I think. Next order goes to them unless I get my books pronto!
  • Walton's hasn't processed my order yet. Which means they haven't mailed it. Which means I don't have the stuff in my disaster kit. Which means I'm not too happy with them, either.
  • Ron. He picked a fight with me today over something really minor. He's still sulking. He gave me a disk to read, I read it and typed back. He gave me another disk. My drive won't recognize it as formatted. Probably a good thing. It's like, whatever. [rolleyes] I think he's upset about something else and is using this as an excuse to "vent". I guess plenty of men are feeling this way about women in their lives too. That said, Men! AGH! I keep coming back to - Whatever. I hope he snaps out of it tomorrow. Times like this I wish I didn't work with him. He's not being a creep, it's just the pouty sulking thing. It. Gets. Old.

Nothing good on TV. I feel itchy. I'm tired but I don't want to go to bed. My shoulder was acting up earlier but the Salonpas pain patches did a great job. Yay Salonpas.

Yay Paradise Fibers who DID ship and sent me a confirmation email. Well, I think I'll go look at and see how my knitting bag fared in the washer. It was getting fairly grubby.

Things will always get better. If this is the worst I've got, I'm doing fantastically. Thank you God! I mean that.

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