Thursday, April 5, 2012

Two, brain-damaged evangelists

I'm pretty tired but I'll do my best.

A lot of weird hours.   The guys can come and work on my house after they're done with their full-time job, which means I end up going to bed later.  Even good stress is still stress, battling depression, blah, blah.

Ron and I have been getting a lot of quality time.  That's been awesome.  I really enjoy him, and we always have so much to say to each other!  It's amazing.

I've handed out a couple Bibles a day, to drivers mainly, although I did give one with a full sized candy bar, to a teller at the bank today.  That's always fun.

We had a muslim driver.  I got a No on a Bible, but Ron dropped a tract and the driver picked it up.  Ron asked him to read it "When you have time".  It's funny how God always arranges for Ron to drop a tract, if he forgets to distribute!

Two, brain damaged evangelists with fatigue issues - it gets pretty amusing at times!

Speaking of, we're doing a Bible Handout tomorrow.  Ron suggested (and I got confirmation from God) we should do some afternoon handouts.  I think it'll be good.

I'm in kind of a rut on the early morning handouts, and I think the early morning crowd is about saturated for now.  I want to be willing to work, no matter how God wants me to work.

I hope that made sense.  Goodnight!

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