Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blogger has changed on me.  I'll figure it out.

I think my Dad is one of those "early adopter" types.  He loves new tech.  I still have a low-def TV.  It's interesting how the various online forums are requiring updates, Facebook Timeline, Blogger - the new thing, what ever it is.

So, what's going on in my life?  Monday, I have to take care of some urgent legal paperwork for my mother's estate.  It has a deadline, and should be very exciting, running around to a notary and all.

I still don't have my lithium blood test results.  I'll have Ron call about that, on Monday.  I think my levels are OK, though.

Depression came to call.  Booo.

I was very proud of myself, yesterday.  I watched some movies, did my God Time, sat with Ron on the porch, and had fun on the computer.  It was great.  Later on that night, I wanted to look up photos of black kittens (I don't have any baby pictures of Bubba).

I wanted to do it, but hesitated.  Why?  Because I shouldn't?  Why not?  It's not porn.  It's photos of cute black baby kittens.

So, I looked them up.  I found one that looks JUST like Bubba, when he was a kitten, and had another human.

I don't know all the social rules, but "You're not supposed to take photos of other people's pets!" is one of them.

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