Thursday, April 26, 2012

He forgives me

I'm back!  Did you miss me!

Boy, it's been a busy week.  Monday, I got my super urgent special ops mail package.

I might get a little money, IF I get it back quickly (it's not a scam).  I had to go to work, from work we went to, ah, call it burger town (BT).  Ron waited at BT.  He had food, drink, and bathroom access.   I walked over and got the mail.

I went back and read it, it seems fine.  From BT we went to our bank and got it notarized.  We had a wait for a while to go back to BT.

We finally got back to BT and I went back to the Post Office.  I could have just dropped the mail in a slot, but chose to hand it to a clerk and get a receipt.  It did involve money, after all.

I don't want to be the bad guy who's screwed it up!  Nope!

We got home pretty late.  Tuesday, we had off.  I slept in so late I got a headache.  I think we ran one errand and came straight home.  I also took a nap.  I did very little, I needed to recharge.  

I worked on my post-apocalyptic disaster novel.  Target: Earth.  Asteroid coming to get us.  Preppers must prepare retreat.  It's a freshman attempt, and a little obviously so, but well written over all.  I had a dream about it during my nap today, and that only happens with good books.

I never dream about the Bible, oddly enough.

Wednesday was my favorite: Snack Day!  Ron allowed me to buy all the snacks I needed.  Yay!  Then I stocked them.  Boy, that took hours, but the machines look great (I could use some crackers).   I am thrilled.  My Babies look great.

I'm getting a little sick of one machine, though.  It is my second-oldest, a Crane API snack machine.  It looks like this:  Jaws, the vending machine that bites.  It has a door problem, which has obviously been serviced many times:  The two halves of the door clamp down on the customer's hand.  Or, it allows thieves access to the inventory.  Or, the door gets stuck in the up position and won't let the product drop.  Agh.

It's on my "hit list".  Our supervisor has purchased a new snack machine, he THINKS to replace my Rowe.  Mommy's favorite.  I fight him every time.  I love that machine (just put a stuffed toy pink flamingo, where they have the "doritos" and you have "my" machine).  It is wonderful.  Rugged.  Durable.  Never shuts down.  Wonderful door.  I can even program a custom message "Thank you for supporting Ron and Heather".

So, when the boss comes to take away Baby, I'll give him the Crane (aka "Jaws") instead.  I love my Rowe.  The other one is good.  It works, most of the time.  It can go down sometimes, but it's an easy fix.

I also helped Ron, of course.  After work, we came home and then went to the Dollar Store.  Ron wanted some chips.  He really likes their brands, and the price tag.  He kept bragging about having me "The economy model".  I thought it was sweet.  We brought a folding chair instead of the wheelchair so he could sit.

No nap, pretty tired.

A couple times this week, I shorted my God Time.  I wasn't happy with that.

Since I don't have shower access yet, just the tub, it takes a while to wash my hair.  This morning, I had a choice, wash my hair, or do my God time.  I tied a bandanna over my hair and then did my God Time!  I washed my hair later.  I'm glad I did it that way, my hair was covered so no one saw it.

Today was Soda Day.  We got Ron his soda.  We had some drama (very late ride) getting there, but we finally made it.  I got Ron his sodas.

I have to chide him now and then, he feels bad about "making" me do heavy labor.  I tell him, labor isn't hard for me.  An average woman would not want to pick up heavy cases, but I'm not average.  I like doing physical labor.  Playing office politics is a lot more difficult!

Praise God I don't work in an office!  Thank You!

So, I got all his stuff in the building, the refrigerators, etc.  Ron got it all stocked, while I helped and did other things.  We finally left (it "should" have been a day off but we agreed the sodas were important).

The customers are buying a lot of bottle sodas, but very few canned.  I know I prefer a bottle, but  it's a little alarming!   Can sodas are the bill-payers around here.

But, that goes back to trusting God.  Do I?  Is He going to let me starve?  No.

Speaking of starving, after work Ron took me to our favorite taqueria for the $6 fajita special.  Yum, yum.

Oh, and we saved the chicken for Bubba.  He loves chicken fajitas.

Poor Bub.  I gave him hairball medicine, and flea medicine this week.

He forgives me.

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