Monday, December 11, 2017


A little hard to do my God Time with her in my prayer notebook!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful kitty

Heather Knits said...

Hard to believe SHE picked ME out. She got in my lap and wouldn't leave, at the shelter. Not that I tried. "No one wants the old cats" they told me, and that sealed it.

She had 2 days left before they put her down. An attendant, a big black man, made sure she went through all her hoops and brought her out to me when they finished.

She's about 11, we think.

Anonymous said...


Spankadoo said...

Oh my goodness how pretty!
Not a day goes by after following you for so long that I do not hope for Ron to have insight or you to have peace in your home.
Much love Heather