Saturday, December 9, 2017

Poor Heather

Yesterday I got up at 2:30 AM.  I checked my phone to see about the weather.  I had heard some blathering from Houston Facebook Friends (not a group, just friends who happen to live in my town) about snow.  OK, I thought, no snow of course but it might be cold.

I tend to run warm these days, I don't know if it's hormones, being fatter, or medication, but I hardly need a coat these days.  Weather said it was 34 and snowing.

Yeah, right.  I looked outside.  Well, I'll be, it's snowing.

I took my shower, got dressed, I just went with the hoodie over a t-shirt and I was fine for my purposes.  I got Ron up and got ready for work.

Our ride came on time, always nice, and I got the front seat.  The good seat.  I don't generally mind sitting in the backseat, but the seatbelt in the back cuts into my neck.  It's very unpleasant and can't be adjusted.  So, I prefer the front.  Ron doesn't mind and likes to ride behind me, in the rear passenger seat.

We went to work, stocked, got our delivery.  I took a photo of the snow, not a very good one, but you get the idea: snow.  Not a big deal for most of the nation, or the world for that matter, but a pretty big deal in Houston.  We hadn't had snow since 2009.  I remember it because Ron had a blackout and was too drunk to go to work.

I had to call a cab and get to work on my own.  I had to get the delivery and do all the stocking by myself, then I got a ride from the other vendor's wife to go to the mall, so I had an easier time getting home on the bus.  It started snowing somewhere in there and we got a couple of inches.  Ron called me and couldn't believe he had lost a whole day, but he had.  He was "sorry" of course but it didn't help.

So, yeah, I remember.  I remember the snow hitting me as I waited on the bus.  Being angry at Ron and scared about the future.

Poor Heather.  If I had only known!

Anyway, we finished work and came home.  I took a nap.  We did some accounting.  We ate dinner and I took my pills, then I went to bed early.  I had a nasty headache.

I woke up and I still had it.  I took some Excedrin.  I got ready for work.  We went to the warehouse and got supplies.  I stayed just within budget.  They had the "good" candy, a 36 count variety pack for $20.  It's a really good deal, and throw one of those at a snack machine and you are done with the candy.  I bought 4.  And still stayed within budget.

Jack came and he got the truck loaded.  He does 90% of the loading and unloading, one reason I enjoy working with him.  I got the carts into the building.

My headache came back.  I took some aspirin, which really didn't work.  I was still able to work and help Ron.

I have been wanting to have a picture taken of me at work.  I finally recruited someone to help.  She was very nice about it.  So, there I am.  Not the most flattering but a "real" photo.

I remember a friend was thinking about a mail order bride, and he got frustrated because she kept sending him glamour shots.  He wanted candid photos of her in everyday life, but she wouldn't send them.

We came home.  I took a nap, hoping I could finally slay the headache.  No luck.  I got up with it just as bad as when I laid down.  I took some more Excedrin (good luck sleeping tonight).  We went to Denny's for dinner.

We had a pretty cheap meal.  Ron had some chicken soup and I had pancakes, nothing else.  Well, diet soda.

The pancakes did the trick on the headache.  I also took my medication.

Now Ron wants me to do more accounting stuff so I have to go.  More later.

[#6 is having a party tonight]

Edit: finished filing the monthly report.  Glad that's all done before the deadline, and we even did the online payment, too. 

#6 is having a party, the kids are outside and it sounds like they're trying to kill each other.  I'll be glad when they're done.  It's going to be pretty cold tonight, in the 30's, and your average kid in Houston doesn't have a real winter coat or any kind of winter clothes aside from maybe a hoodie.  The average kid visiting #6, and the #6 kids, don't have anything aside from a windbreaker. 

Soooo, hopefully they will get cold and go home soon.  I don't hate kids, but there's a time and a place to have a birthday party.  Late at night on a weekend is not that time. 

When I was a kid, we had mid afternoon birthday parties.  Say 1-3, or 3-5.  We would go, make noise, run around, and play.  It was daytime.  No one wanted to go to bed early because they got up at 4 AM.  We didn't keep people up or disturb them because they were already awake.  Late night birthday parties for children are just disruptive, and, I've been told, are generally an excuse for that culture to have an adult drinking party concurrent with the children's birthday party. 

Now, if I worked "normal" 8-5, Monday-Friday schedule, I probably wouldn't care as much.  But I have to get up at 4 AM on Saturdays to get my inventory.  #6 has a small business and often works on Saturdays, so I know he understands, but he doesn't get it.  I'm tired.  I want to go to bed.  And I can't because you want to get drunk and party. 

At least Ron is usually quiet when he drinks.  Now, when we leave in the morning, we walk down a metal wheelchair ramp.  Well, I walk, I push Ron in the wheelchair.  We open the garage door, which is automatic.  We close the door.  We go outside.  Sometimes Ron talks to me. 

All this happens at 5-6 in the morning.  Sometimes 4 AM, or even earlier.  Sometimes I "let" Ron make noise just because I'm trying to make a point: we get up early.  We try to be quiet and not disturb them.  They do not return the favor. 

But, I hear horror stories of people trying to poison pets, frequent calls to the police, siccing the homeowner's association on each other, coming on each other's property, stuff like that.  Barking dogs - 20 dogs.  20 cats, for that matter. 

So I am grateful that they are mostly quiet.  However, when they party they make so much noise, it is impossible to think.  Anywhere in the house is loud.  My headache came back. 

And the timing's all wrong.  Why can't they do this crap during the day like normal people? 

One time they actually had a party during the day and I thought the pod people had gotten them. 

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