Wednesday, December 13, 2017

So my Dad has cancer

I didn't sleep well last night.  I kept thinking about Dad having cancer.  Even if it isn't a "bad" one, it's still a cancer. 

Fairly recently, my stepmother told me she had a spot removed, it was suspicious.  When it came back it was melanoma but they got it all.  That was much easier to hear. 

I still had to get up, do my morning routine, take my pills (the LAST thing Dad needs right now is me, off my pills) and go to Sam's Club to get supplies.  I wanted to get some more of the candy I hand out.  I did that.  I also got some stuff for work. 

We had to wait a long time (over an hour) on our ride to work.  I had packed 2 things with me today.  One, "The Value of Trials" - a tract.  Secondly, I brought "Help From Above", a scripture booklet.  I read the whole tract and about 1/4 of the booklet and felt much better. 

About that time, our ride came and we went to work.  The light was out in my snack machine.  The good, working, one.  I decided to steal the "good" bulb from the "bad" machine we are sending back anyway.  It was a perfect fit and worked well, once I got it in there (I don't mind saying I asked God for some help with that). 

Ron found another problem in the bottled vendor.  The vendor has 45 slots.  Each slot can take up to 9 drinks.  It can hold a lot of drinks!  At any rate, one slot was messed up and I didn't see a way to fix it.  We contacted the repairman. 

The nice thing about today's tech, I could send him a picture message as opposed to trying to "tell" him what was wrong.  He could look at the photo and say "Oh!".  So I did that.  We will see him next week. 

It's only about 2% of the machine, not a huge deal.  Most importantly, the whole machine is working.  That's what matters.  Just the slot.  And Ron didn't stock it so no one will try to buy anything.  Even if they do, it will give them a refund. 

I slept with Biscuit last night.  Rather, he slept with me.  He was very cuddly.  I think he knows I'm having Hard Times. 

I'm actually cycling out of the depression, but I really got slapped with Dad's email, and Ron's ongoing depression. 

After work, we stocked it all, we came home.  I took a nap.  We ate dinner. 

I got Ron in the bathtub, which he began cleaning.  He didn't like my cleaning job.  We're not here to clean the tub, Ron, we're here to bathe you.  So we did that.  He is going to the doctor tomorrow and I like to make sure he looks presentable. 

I am also doing a load of laundry so he has a clean outfit.  If he has his way, he will just wear the same clothes every day.  I have to "make" him change, sometimes.  The clothes will be washed in about 20-30 minutes, and then I'll run them in the dryer for a little bit, then finish them off tomorrow. 

I need to find out when we have our first pickup so I can set my alarm accordingly.  I like to get up 2 hours before our pickup, take my shower, eat my protein bar, do my God Time.  Then I can get Ron up and ready to go. 

Biscuit took a nap with me today, too.  He is so adorable.  He is becoming my favorite.  He sleeps by my chair when I'm on the computer; he sleeps in my bed with me.  He doesn't pester me for breakfast, but is ready for it when I do get up.  He knows "the signal" is when I turn off my noisemaker.  If I'm just getting up to use the toilet, I leave it on.  If I want some water, I leave it on.  But if I'm about to feed him, I turn it off and he gets up right away.  Then he starts meowing. 

He's really a perfect cat for me.  I haven't seen Torbie as much recently, she's been more independent.  That's fine, I miss her, but she's my companion, not my slave.  She doesn't have to do anything but use her box.  When my shoulder was messed up, she slept with me every night, by my head even (I love that, but cats generally don't). 

What else?  I downloaded the Fitday App to my phone.  I like it so far.  It has purchases, not ads.  I would much rather make a purchase (and I probably will) than deal with a bunch of annoying ads popping out at all the wrong moments.  I had that problem with one app, I had a devil of a time getting rid of it.  I don't know how it got on my phone but it wouldn't leave me alone.  Ugh. 

I don't think I would ever download a "free" app that had ads.  It's just not worth the aggravation. 

I have a couple of apps on my phone that I use regularly: Accuweather, Blogger (where all the photos come from), and Fitday.  I have Ztrip, a Yellow Cab Houston app, but it doesn't work.  It can never get my location correct. 

Torbie must have read, or sensed, what I wrote about Biscuit.  She is now lying on my foot as I type.  She's pretty cute.  They all are. 

I adopted them because they needed us.  I made a commitment to them and I intend to keep it.  But they are cute, and that just makes it easier to love them.  Even Baby Girl ("Ron's" cat) let me rub her tummy today.  If Ron tries to do that she growls and hisses at him, but she will stretch out and show me her pretty spotted tummy, I talk to her, and gently stroke it.  Not for long, though. 

I'm not stupid. 


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. In this world we will have trials but glory is our reward.
I'm going through a lot too but HE is faithful.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your dad. Will add him to my "internet" prayer list. Love hearing about your cats. Animals are so much smarter than some people realize!