Friday, December 22, 2017

Delivery day

I slept horribly (no fault of Ron, he did try to be quiet).  I just tend to have a hard time going to bed early on delivery eve. 

I got up around 2 and took my shower, got dressed, made sure Ron was ready to go.  For a change, Ron was ready to go when the driver arrived. 

It was a different guy; he has some strong opinions and is always hustling.  He doesn't ask the clients for money, though.  But he took all the equity out of a house to pay for remodeling.  He thinks if he makes a couple of bedrooms in the garage with a wheelchair accessible bathroom, he will get disabled, elderly, tenants.  They're going to live with his daughter, who will apparently be the caregiver. 

Sounds like a horrible idea to me, but then I am pretty caregiver burnt right now.  Anyway, today he was ranting about his grandson.  He is disobedient, doesn't mind, and wears pull ups all day and night at 4 years old.  The driver wondered what would happen if you took the pull-ups away, would he "piss all over the house, like a damned dog" or would he use the toilet "properly"?  His daughter just says "Oh, he's a baby".  He's four years old. 

Now, my parents practiced corporal punishment.  I think what they did was appropriate and needed.  For instance, one time I ran out into the street in front of our house.  They spanked me so hard I never even considered doing it again.  If Ron and I had kids, I am sure we would have spanked. 

We got to work.  Things were pretty slow, not surprising with their holiday party yesterday.  Those parties always kill our business, but it's their place, not ours.  Someone moved one of the vending machines, I had to move 2 to fix it.  My shoulder's been bothering me a little since our big water run a few days ago, but I was able to get it. 

Oh, totally off topic but my blood pressure tested at 122/70, which I am accustomed to seeing at the doctors.  The other meter was a fluke, but still glad I bought this one. 

Back to work, I stocked.  Our delivery man got me good today.  I was sitting at a table with the cart at my back.  Suddenly I heard someone rustling around on my cart.  I spun around, ready to tear their head off (I have had stuff stolen off the carts while stocking), and encountered the laughing face of the delivery man.  I thought it was pretty funny! 

He delivered my stuff and stacked it up even.  I got him a sandwich and a drink.  I helped Ron do the bottled vendor. 

Then Ron said, we have two and a half hours before our pickup, but I'm done.  Do you want to just go home? 

I said yes.  Ron cancelled the paratransit pickup and called a cab.  We got a very nice Nigerian man by way of London.  Surprisingly, he didn't really have an accent.  He took us home. 

One good thing I will say about Ron, and this has been consistent our whole life together: he is a very good tipper.  So it's always good to "get" Ron if you're in the service profession.  They fight over us, at Denny's. 

We got home and I went to bed.  I hadn't tiptoed when we left the house.  I see it as making a point, we don't go out of our way to be loud but I don't tiptoe and whisper, either.  I want #6 to know we get up very early, some days. 

Anyway, they got me back today, he had all the kids in the backyard and they were making some sort of noise, moving things around (not playing).  That went off an on for a couple hours but I still got some sleep.  I got about 3 hours total. 

After I finish this, I'm going to do my God Time and then do up some candy.  I am out of candy right now and I need at least a dozen bags to get me through the next couple days. 

Happily I have plenty of supplies. 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

I love that you are giving out candy bags again
It feels good to have a purpose others are grateful to receive isn’t it
Merry Christmas dear Heather!
Love and hugs!
Kitty cuddles