Thursday, December 14, 2017

Needy or Greedy?

Fancy purse, nice expensive outfit, leather knee high boots.  Going to the food bank.


Anonymous said...

Maybe someone gave her the outfit. You never know the backstory.

Heather Knits said...

True. Someone could have bought her the clothes, the boots, the purse, cut/dyed/styled hair, the fancy wheelchair...but it's not likely. I have, unfortunately, seen more than a few clients who spend money on nails, phone, hair, clothes, shoes, purse, etc. and then want handouts for EVERYTHING else in their life.

I think a wise budgeter can make it on a disability check, housing assistance, food stamps, Medicaid, etc. especially if they aren't driving.

When I went for Medicaid for my wisdom teeth back in 1993 they said I also qualified for food stamps. I told her I had enough to eat; she was shocked.