Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A trip to the dentist, part one

I had a migraine yesterday.  I took my Excedrin and phenergan, and bucket, and went to work.  Happily I did not need the bucket.  I did my stocking and helped Ron. 

I came home, we had about an hour before Chuck picked me up.  I got the presents, mailing labels, etc.  I had two presents, one for Cindy (older stepsister, 5 years older) and one combined present for Mom and Dad.  I didn't have the juice to wrap the presents but I think everyone can figure out who gets what.  They are obvious. 

Now, they might read this so I won't say who got what, but I am pretty sure they will like them. 

No, they aren't Bibles.  They have Bibles already. 

So, I had them all in a bag.  Chuck came, we went to the post office.  He waited while I went in. 

They had a temporary "helper".  I asked if she could help me tape Mom & Dad's box a little better because "my hands are messing up" as I held up a shaking hand in the air. 

I am pretty cynical, but most people are very generous in helping me if I ask.  She taped it.  I got in line. 

It wasn't a long line and it moved pretty quick.  I gave the clerks some candy (also the gal who helped me) and got everything mailed off.  It should arrive Thursday.  Good.  I will keep an eye on the tracking number. 

I went out and met Chuck.  Now, it was my understanding we were going home, but I sure didn't object when Chuck took me to Walmart.  "Take your time" he said.  Absolutely, although I did move as fast as possible. 

I got Ron's gabapentin ($245 for 3 months), my deposit ($400+ for health insurance) and looked what little I had left.  I put some candy in the cart.  I really like the Walmart taffy for my candy bags.  It's nicely sized and, I have to admit, one piece was partly unwrapped one day.  I couldn't give it away.  So I ate it.  It was REALLY good.  So I am handing out a quality item.  Good. 

My head was still bothering me so I thought about something I keep hearing "Heather, check your blood pressure.  High blood pressure can lead to headaches.".  I had just enough left to buy the cheapest model blood pressure meter. 

I paid and found Chuck, we went home.  I thanked him and he left. 

I went in and sat for a while, then tried to use the blood pressure meter.  I couldn't get it to work.  I had Ron help me, it worked, but said 160 over 110.  I hope that is not an accurate reading, but if it is, it explains a lot. 

I decided I would return it.  I want something at least as easy as my blood sugar meter.  I had saved the receipt.  I put it in a bag, along with the candy I have for the dentist's office. 

We had a pretty uneventful night.  Ron was happy to get his medicine.  He is in a lot of pain when he doesn't take it, is late, or whatever. 

I went to bed early, slept pretty well, and late.  I did not wake up with a headache.  That was nice.  I had Biscuit with me.  When I got up I weighed myself for the first time in a while.  I am down a couple of pounds.  Also nice. 

I didn't measure, though.  I was feeling pretty good. 

I went and fed Biscuit, who was wailing for his breakfast.  I gave him some "Seafood".  He really likes that.  Good.  I want to spoil him. 

I put my new stats into Fitday, I think I still have a link up somewhere on this page.  Got on the computer for a while and looked around.  Watched a little TV. 

In a couple of hours I take Ron to the dentist.  Praying that will be cheap.  Worried it will not be cheap.  Ron takes terrible care of his teeth. 

I wouldn't mind paying for the dentist if he at least brushed every day.  I don't floss, I'm not going to "nail" him on that, but take some minerals (his bones are getting weaker so he clearly needs minerals), and brush regularly, try to keep expenses down.  He just says "Oh, it's too late for that, no point in trying". 

It's one thing I really don't like about him, almost as bad as the drinking. 

After the dentist we can run to Walmart, return my meter, and get a better one.  If I find my blood pressure is high I plan to see my doctor and get pills immediately.  I won't mess around with this.  High blood pressure killed my mother, and I don't need a heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure on top of my existing problems. 

I'm not wrecking my health, I will do my best to preserve it.  I may also look into some sort of exercise program.  I have some Walk Away the Pounds DVD's, which have been very popular with some people on the low carb boards.  It's something I can do at home without specialized equipment. 

Of course energy level is also a big problem, it is hard to do anything when my meds just have me wanting to sleep.  You may wonder why I don't ask Doc for something else. 

I did.  He said, and I agree with this: your symptoms are well controlled on the medication (I haven't been manic in years).  I don't want to mess with that and put you on something else that may not work as well.  The way I see it, there are two types of side effects, the ones that will kill you, and the ones that won't.  If it won't kill you I'd rather you continue taking it. 

So I agree.  I do.  I bitch and moan a lot but I sure don't want to go back to how I was before. 

And here comes the Wellbutrin headache.  Ugh.  It's not bad, I just feel like everything tightens down.  It will go away soon.  It's a good antidepressant, though.  I used to go to work and just sit in the stockroom, too depressed to work or even help Ron (this was back when Ron was a little more perky).  Now I can work, take care of myself, the cats, Ron, etc. 

Sometimes I realize I have a lot on my plate.  I understand others have it worse, there is a woman not far from me who is a mother to blind-deaf triplets.  They were born very premature.  Her husband left her.  She ended up meeting a nice guy from High School and he married her (them).  She is getting some assistance from the state but will never get a day off, ever.  I can't imagine having that load. 

There's another woman who got an infection after giving birth at home, they had to amputate all her limbs to "save" her.  She also lives not far from here. 

I'm "just" Bipolar,with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, trying to take care of a blind, alcoholic, partly paralyzed TBI husband.  I have a loyal readership, and I love you guys.  Even just seeing the stats makes me feel better, some days when I feel like everything is in flames. 

I have 3 great cats, well, two that love me and one that loves Ron.  Baby Girl is sleeping with him right now, like she does.  Ron is very happy with her. 

I had better go, I need to take a shower and do my God Time before I take Ron to the dentist. 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

You amaze me with your resiliance in life . Much love! I am really loving Christmas this year !