Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Prep work

I doubt most of you have wondered about the evangelism. 

I mean, what's there to say?  I go out on the corner and I hand out Bibles. 

But some considerations: how much money to bring, fluid intake.  Now fluid intake is a big one because where I'm going today, they don't have a bathroom.  So I will have to "hold it" until I get home.  But I need to stay hydrated. 

So I drank what I think is an appropriate amount.  If I start getting wobbly, I have a quart of water and a quart of gatorade.  I got the clear kind because I always slobber it.  I had oral surgery years ago and it messed up how I close my mouth, or drink from a wide-mouth container.  So I drool.  And it's not pretty.  I don't want to drool brightly colored gatorade all over, so I drink the clear stuff.  If I drool that it doesn't matter. 

And if the oral surgeon tells you, you have a cyst in your jaw and it needs to come out, say NO.  It is probably benign (mine was) and you will be left with horrible scar tissue in your mouth if you do it.  The pain was worse than the pain from the 4 removed wisdom teeth I had done at the same time. 

Anyway, I'm getting ready to head out and do my thing on the corner.  That sounds like I'm whoring.  No, making an ass of myself, but I'm OK with that. 

Better than making an ass of myself over Ron, who, by the way, has begged off.  I will have to call a cab. 

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