Monday, October 2, 2017

Mass shooting handout

I took a tote bag of scripture booklets to work today, little knowing America had had yet another mass shooting.  I had over 100 scripture booklets "Help from Above" a lot of "The Power of God" "The Amazing life of Jesus" etc. 

After work, I had my husband drop me at the mall and I walked over to the line for the food stamps.  Apparently, and all I know is gossip, they are handing out over $1000 in food stamps, per household, for anyone who signs up.  So they had a lot of people in line. 

Now, legally, I'm not supposed to "distribute" on private property without permission, but I figured God's mandate "Preach the Gospel" trumped the sign by the door.  I was fully prepared the leave if anyone in authority asked me to, but figured I could at least hand out some before I got "caught". 

Stealth evangelism.  I am not accustomed to walking up to strangers and asking them if they'd like material, but I caught on pretty quickly.  I'd extend the booklet and ask "Scripture booklet?"  If they asked (and some did) what it was I explained it was "Bible Verses", also true.  One man asked me if I was a JW.  I told him I was a born-again.  He took it. 

Most everyone was very gracious, even in refusing.  One lady took it, looked at it, and gave it back.  At one point I dropped a handful of booklets, all over the ground.  [Bad Word]  A lady said "Don't bend over, I'll get them!" and picked them all up, brushing a pine needle off the cover of "Amazing Life of Jesus".  I asked her if she'd like one, and she said yes.  I gave her "Amazing". 

I kept walking up in line, reaching into my bag for more booklets, handing them out.  Some young adults received them, and then gave them to their mothers.  Some groups had one refusal and a couple of acceptances.  The booklets are small so they can fit into a pocket, wallet, or purse, easily, which is why I brought them. 

Even if I could (oh, I wish I could) bring, like 500 Bibles to the line to hand out, where would they hold the Bibles?  Some people were holding babies, feeding babies, one lady was on a walker, etc.  Most people had their hands full.  The booklet was the right call. 

I just wish I had some Spanish.  I had some requests for Spanish.  I told them I was sorry, I didn't have any, but I will order some tonight.  Another nice thing, the booklets are free. 

Pretty soon I ran out!  I stepped out of line and found my way to the FEMA shelter.  I wanted to ask if I could bring in some Bibles for the "victims".  They said no, it was "very sweet" but they had a policy. 

They need to take The Cross out of the Red Cross.  Just call it the Red Thing, instead.  How can you have a cross on your door and say no to Bibles?  I'm not hating, they have politics, but it was sad.  I would have loved to do it. 

However, I consoled myself that I had gone literally all around the outside of the shelter distributing and I would have to be content with that. 

Then I walked over to the Jack in the Box and called a cab to go home (Ron paid for the cab).  Please pray for the recipients! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome job handing out scripture booklets! I want to look into getting some of those, too many times the basic tracts I hand out do not contain enough scripture for my liking. I love World Missionary Press!

I also will have to remember your response to the JW question, 'born-again' is a perfect answer. Some people who get a tract look at me suspiciously and ask what church I am from. When they hear it is a Baptist church, they look relieved.