Friday, December 4, 2015

Shooters and gun control.

Now time to put my splint on. :)


Anonymous said...

I can only imagine how your family feels every time a shooting happens. I am so sorry this happened to all of you and your dad sounds like an amazing man. My father just passed away recently and he was similar to your father. you and i had a similar childhood actually but instead my mother died when I was little. Take care much love sent

Anonymous said...

I know what you are saying but really while I support any mentally healthy person owning a gun keeping it safe away from kids and using it for what a gun is intended for ..either sportsmanship or even protection inside your own home. not on the streets I am against open carry in all cases having been an ER nurse I see nothing but insanity in people shooting to protect others in public ..because the reality of how it "goes down" is never the way it happens ..people make mistakes ,,,crazy ensues and the wrong people get shot the more people with guns the more margin of error. but I agree with you a mentally stable person with a gun is no threat to me. Until the day he or she snaps.

, many military vets should NOT have guns due to their history in combat and the PTSD reactions of psychotic episodes should not have guns. they have nightmare and wake up thinking they are being attacked

so glad you are back tell Ron we can not wait to see or hear more of him! I loved the video you did with him way back when! Please do one for us again