Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A fruitless hunt for the bleach pen

Pretty tired today. 

It didn't start out bad: I got to sleep in and got up around 7.  AM.  I took my shower and did my God Time later. 

We went to Walmart and bought some things for the house.  I couldn't find a bleach pen anywhere, and I looked!  I had Ron in the kiddie cart and he made some very appreciative comments. 

Ron has gotten much better at appreciation, the last couple years. 

I try to reciprocate. 

We went to work and spent some hours stocking.  We are about out of inventory, now.  We'll get more.  I drank a lot of diet soda which I believe fueled my anxiety, which was pretty bad tonight. 

First, though, we had to get home.  Our driver took a lot of "shortcuts" which resulted in a much longer duration.  Hint: never take a route past an elementary school at 3 PM. 

When we got home, I ate one of my burgers from yesterday and took my meds.  What I had left for the day, that is.  I take some in the morning, with food, and then more in the evening with food. 

Ron says he can hear when the medication kicks in, it affects my tone of voice and affect.  I bet it does. 

Medication loaded, I took a short nap.  So far it has been quiet tonight so I guess they are not having their revival service in the backyard like they did last week. 

Sometimes, they are not easy neighbors. 

I'm sure they think the same about us. 

I got up, did my God Time, and worked on the laundry.  I worked on cleaning the bathroom. 

Ron has the plumber coming to fix the sink on Sunday.  Good.  I am a little tired of brushing my teeth in the bathtub. 

I organized the cat food and the front room, fed Biscuit and the gang their can of food, and had some quality time with Torbie, who is currently ensconced in the dryer.  In the dryer.  She knows I'm not the sick people who would close the door and turn the dryer on. 

She's my Baby Girl.  I worry about her.  Picking her up, I worry about old joints and such.  I try to put her down carefully.  I believe she is in her teens and that is very old for a cat. 

I'll enjoy her while I have her, but I'm going to need to get her out of the dryer before I go to bed. 

Maybe I can lure her out with treats. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute the image of Torby is!