Sunday, February 28, 2016

Keep it classy

I always say I hate politics, I don't watch the news (aside from morning traffic, local news, and weather), and I really hate debates. 

Yet here I am, telling you I'm not voting in the primary.  Why?  Because I have to sign an affidavit saying I am one party or the other.  I won't do that.  I'm Independent.  I will vote for whoever I think is best. 

For instance, I voted for the Democratic sheriff candidate until he allowed a person with mental illness to die, neglected, in custody.  I won't be voting for him again, ever.  But, until that point, he was a "good" guy and got a couple of votes. 

Another time a Republican judge let a baby raper out on parole. I did not vote for her in reelection.  Later on, I found out she had become a tougher judge and I began voting for her again. 

I go on the candidate.  But I won't be choosing the primary candidate. 

I'm OK that.  As Ron and I remind each other, God's candidate is the one who will win.  Only one person can do the job God has for them to do.  Who is it?  I don't know yet.  I will know on election night. 

Ron, as I've said, was rather upset during the last presidential election, but God reminded him that only one person, the incumbent, could do the job God had for him to do.  Therefore, God allowed that man to be reelected. 

This one thing many Christians don't get: the Bible tells us to respect our leaders.  You will never find me name calling and insulting our leadership these days.  Do I like some of them?  No.  I am not happy they have my name on them, so to speak.  But God has put them in that position and I have to respect that. 

Would I want to have lunch with certain politicos?  No, I would do my best to get out of it.  But I wouldn't insult them.  I would probably bore them with stories of my cats, and the Bible Handouts. 

It is the worst witness ever to post insulting memes with the president's face on the backside of a monkey, and similar things, calling him an "idiot" and worse, and generally acting like a schoolyard bully.  Don't! Do! That!  That is not God's will. 

We have to keep it classy, as God has reminded me more than once in my marriage.  It's very easy to get petty, petulant, and bitter, but that's not what He wants for me to do. 

I assume that applies globally.  :p 

I do have our voter cards, though, for November.  I can push Ron over in the wheelchair, or we can take the paratransit one-way and then go get a fried chicken special, afterwards, like we did last time. 

The wheelchair, surprisingly, offers a lot of options.  You would think it would be the worst thing ever, but I can ride the bus with him, take a "walk", or take him out in the yard and move him around as I work on my plants.  Ron has even put the garbage in the wheelchair seat and pushed it out to the curb when I had a migraine on garbage eve. 

I woke up with a pretty nasty headache around 3 AM.  I got up and took something, then went back to sleep.  I eat OTC headache pills like some eat breath mints. 

I woke up around 7 and took some more around 8. 

Today I plan to take a shower, I already did my God Time, watch church on the computer (Ron's request), and go to Walmart on the bus.  I plan to play in the yarn section and make a deposit so I can buy Ron a sleep master bed base.  His boxspring is pretty destroyed.  Rather than buy a new bed (he is happy with the mattress), we can buy a base, he can store items under it, it's very comfortable, and it's a combo boxspring and frame.  It's easy to put together, too, and only about $60 (he has a twin).   You can go to Amazon and look up "sleep master" and it will come right up. 

It should arrive by the end of the week.  I can put it together and get him set up.  I think he will really like it, and I know he'll love the storage.  You wouldn't believe how much stuff I fit under my bed.  Like anyone, Ron has a modest (a lot less than me!) assortment of "stuff".  He is very organized, far more than me, and I know my sloppy housekeeping drives him nuts. 

He's gotten a lot better at tolerating it, which does make me want to do better.  Anyway, it will help him out. 

I will just have to move the old twin box spring out and throw the mattress on the new bed. 

I can have fun playing in the yarn aisle, and I need to throw $10 in my account to make sure my charity Bible smuggling doesn't bounce.  :)  You had to figure I'd be into something like that.  They can do a Bible for $6.  So that's one and a half every month. 

My headache is better.  I'm going to take a shower after I cue up the church and then get ready to head out. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So very glad your headache eased. I love politics itself, but i agree with you 100%! Right now it is so irritating, and we are bombarded with propoganda, not the reality, they count on fatigue, I hope for lght at the end of this tunnel. It should be fun, we should gather, discuss and gently argue, insyead people spit hatred blindly trying to prey on ignorance, i like a guy you mentioned ...NOT TRUMP! Omg how did this happen
Much love stay well