Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I'm going to do some tagging!

I woke up at 4 AM yesterday.  Pretty tired as usual.  I got up late and only had time for my shower. 

We went to the warehouse.  I had to get a lot of snack products.  I did that.  I had a horrible cashier who mangled the transaction a couple of times and threw my merchandise around.  I wasn't happy. 

She was also getting text-to-speech voice messages on her cell phone, and kept stopping to push buttons on her touch screen so she could hear them.  I doubt, I told Ron, she'll be there long. 

The cashier supervisor is kind of a hard nail to begin with. she won't tolerate that.  I saw the manager in the parking lot and thought about mentioning it to her, but figured the woman will hang herself. 

It's ironic, because I picked the black lady over the asian because I figured she'd be "nicer".  [snort]

I had to load the truck myself, not as bad as it sounds because snack items, as a rule, are very light. 

I loaded it, and hopped in the truck.  We talked about dogs on the way to work.  Basically, the guy's room-mate has 2 dogs.  Our guy tolerates the dogs and even likes them, but finds the barking as annoying as I do. 

Interesting.  I always figure "dog people" just turn off the barking in their heads.  I have no problems with dogs, as a rule, if they are friendly and properly confined.  I do have a problem with the barking.  I'm not doing anything to upset my neighbors like that.   I'm so quiet they don't even know when I'm home.

My frustration: they don't return the favor.  If it's not a loud party it's a barking dog, but GUESS WHAT?  My mother drank a lot, every day she was pregnant, so I have to suck it up.  I can't go live in the country, like I'd like to, because I can't drive.  I have to live in an apartment or suburb. 

Usually, that has worked out OK, but sometimes I find that very frustrating. 

So, we got to work.  I got the carts (the fold out and the 3 shelf) and loaded all my snacks.  I pushed the heavy cart up the ramp, while our helper pushed the light one. 

It's been my experience, on truck day, guys don't like to help unload the truck, but they do like to push a light cart up the ramp.  Then they can feel like they "helped" as I stand there dripping with sweat. 

My favorite, one time I came out, I'm literally drenched in sweat, and the guy goes, "Can you get me a cold bottle of water?  It's hot."  I put the carts aside, went in, got his water, and got myself a cold diet soda.   

[shaking my head]  Anyway, I got it all in the building.  I didn't get anything stuck in the security door because I only had snacks on the long cart.  Oh, it's horrible when that alarm goes off. 

Then I took all my "Old" inventory and put it on my cart, to be stocked first.  I had the new stuff right at hand if I ran out of "old".  I used up pretty much all my old inventory and "tapped" some of the new stuff. 

Ron kept busy with sodas.  We had a jammed soda in our oldest machine.  Ron and I worked together, to get it out.  Of course it leaked, and being Big Red, looked remarkably like human blood gushing down the slide.  I cleaned that all up. 

Done with snacks, I stocked food.  I figured out a way to keep ramen, microwave buckets, 2 shelves of sandwiches, and a row of burritos in the food machine, with each item in an optimal position. 

Done with food, I got my can of White Lithium Grease.  We bought it the other day at Home Depot. 

I stood next to "The food beast" (a food machine formerly located by "the beast" bottled vendor), shaking the can as directed.  One of the blue shirts (a maintenance guy) gaped at me.  The lithium made a rattling sound remarkably similar to a can of spray paint. 

"I'm going to do some tagging" I told him in a very bored fashion.  He gawked. 

(For my international readers "Tagging" is the act of making graffiti.)

I laughed and showed him the can.  He nodded.  I opened the machine and went after the latches.  They are very stiff as you move them to the downward position.  One was great after one shot of lithium (the uses never end, mood stabilizer, lubricant...), the other needed "a double".  It's much better now. 

Then I put the lithium in a safe place Ron designated. 

I had to put everything away, a challenge.  But I did it.  I still have a lot of bottled soda sitting on my carts. 

We left, went home, and went to Walmart.

Apparently, my day needed more strangeness.  As I got in the vehicle the man sitting behind my seat reached forward, shoved his hand on my had, and forcibly stroked my hair as I sat there in shock.  "Oh, it's so soft and pretty" he said "Go bring me some lotion".

CLEARLY the guy was limited.  I realized he also had: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, bipolar disorder, and a pretty strong mania.

No, I did not get him lotion.  

I just leaned forward in my seat as Ron (who'd had a drink at home before leaving), engaged him in conversation.  His attention on Ron, he ignored me.

When we got out I told the driver what had happened.  The driver knows us well and was horrified.

"Please" I asked him "Tell the group home and have them talk to him?"  He agreed.  I'm sure the driver did, too.  

I got my groceries, stuff for work, etc.  I ended up with 3 bags, one for work, 2 for personal.  In my defense I did have a gallon of milk. 

We got home pretty late and I put up my purchases, exhausted.  I didn't even do my God Time or turn on the computer.  I went pretty much straight to bed, after a quick meal and taking my pills. 

This morning, I slept in as late as I could, which turned out to be 8 AM.  I watched Supernatural for a while and then took a nap (hey, it's my day off).  As I slept, I felt a thump on the bed and heard a very polite meow.  I opened my eyes to see Baby Girl standing over me. 

She hasn't slept with me since the night Bubba died.  When she was a kitten, she tried to sleep with me a few times, but I always rolled over on her.  However, she's a bigger girl now. 

I patted the bed and spoke kindly to her, encouraging her to sleep with me.  She doesn't like a lot of touching when she's in bed (that sounds really wrong), so I didn't touch her.  She has growled and hissed at Ron if he pets her too much, sleeping with him. 

She does like plenty of attention when she's not sleeping.  She loves to get tummy rubs as she rolls around on the concrete, when I get home. 

Cats are quirky, you have to roll with it. 

I woke up a few more times to find her sleeping sweetly, next to me.  It was lovely, the highlight of my day. 

I finally got out of bed. 

I have the perfect fall arrangement for my bed.  Everything's mismatched of course, but I have a nice cotton sheet, a light fleece blanket, a cotton bedspread, and a cotton blanket.  To my right I have a fleece blanket wrapped around a pillow, it's a great body pillow.  I like to sleep on my side.  On the other side I have a smaller pillow and a wadded blanket. 

However, all my "structure" made it impossible to exit.  I ended up grabbing the headboard and levering myself out over the pillow. 

Ron was awake, and drinking.  He was pretty belligerent.  He wanted to do something work related and at one point apologized for "making me work". 

"I don't mind the working" I told him.  "I do mind the attitude."  He cleaned it up after that,. but he was almost finished anyway.  Now he's in the back, making trips for tomorrow. 

We might get a pizza.  I still hope to do my God Time (I couldn't with Ron rowdy earlier), take my meds afterward, etc. 

We'll see what tomorrow brings. 

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