Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A very long time

Really tired today; happily not really depressed. 

Got up early, went to work, played catch-up.  Ron was in a lot of physical pain.  We are going to look into getting a TENS unit. 

After work, he took me out to lunch and I helped him run some errands, me pushing him in the wheelchair.  He was very grateful and appreciative.  After we finished the errands, we went to Starbucks.  I really like the decaf (plain) coffee, with some cream.  It was very good; no digestive weirdness like I was getting on the steamers.  Our ride home was well over an hour late. 

Good thing we were at Starbucks.  That might have gotten twitchy at the office supply store.  I still need to do my God Time and all; I'll check my comments tomorrow. 

I have to get up early so I can get more supplies.  I have the rest of the day off; thank God. 

All day today, I kept thanking God I was not called to serve on that case.  I can't say much, but I will say it was a felony crime, against a person, and would have given me a lot of nightmares for a very long time. 

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