Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A few anwers

I'm sure some people end up on my page, reading about my life, and wonder "Heather, why do you have your faith?  It seems like this 'God' you love has given you a lot of pain!  How can you worship that?"  I'm actually ASKED this question, by my husband, on occasion. 

I have a couple of answers to that: One, no matter what has happened in my life, God has always been there.  Pretty much every PERSON on my life has failed me, but God never fails.  He has always carried me through the pain, sent me someone with an encouraging word, or just wrapped me in his comfort as I sobbed hopelessly in the dark.  No matter what happens, I am NEVER alone. 

Two, I'm an arrogant person!  I am full of pride, and not the "Pride-in-a-job-well-done", but the ugly, haughty, "I'm better than you" pride that is condemned in the Bible.  God allows pain and humiliation in my life to remind me, I'm just the servant.  God is in control.  HE is the only judge.  My job is to do His will, not my own.  His lessons help strip away my pride and teach me to depend on Him.  Sometimes, it feels like getting an operation without any anesthetic. 

However, I am certain it ALL works for my good, and the good of those around me.  I want to live a useful life. 

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I can not imagine you as either prideful or arrogant you are your own worst judge ?.I disagree with you on this!
Your writing is quite humble and truthful! In fact I consider you quite self-less and and glad by going to the beach you FINALLYput youself and your well being to the top of the priority list
You used to take a regular " fun" day out and share how you could make a few dollars go a very long way! ( something I love doing as well)
Heather this has been a tough year for you!
You can not care for anyone else if Heather is not cared for!
Be well!