Friday, September 16, 2011

Usual self

I tend to get a lot of pageviews.  I'm glad people like to share my life.  I certainly don't plan to use it to make money; I know a log of "bloggers" get into some kind of commercial arrangement, but that's not my intention. 

It's MY blog, after all.   It's funny, though.  When I see I'm getting a lot of pageviews (I have a toolbar), it actually tends to put pressure on me, "A lot of people are reading, YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT INTERESTING!" 

It's really ironic, when you consider my #2 goal in life (after serving God), is to have a boring life!  Talk about cross purposes! 

Now onto women issues; now's your time to run if that bothers you. 

So, my cycle was late again, and acting kind of odd when it did show.  I have to figure it's a late 30's thing.  If I hit menopause tomorrow, I wouldn't mind. 

It's funny, though.  I get hot flashes from my medication.  Had a couple this week, in fact.  Having one right now, but it's in the 90's outside and I stupidly thought I would wear jeans today.  Once I finish here, into the shorts! 

So, I could be in premenopause and I wouldn't know.  Oh, yeah, I could get moody!  [snort]  Like that is new.  I seem to be my usual self so I'm not worried. 

I have made a concious decision, I will not worry.  It doesn't help, makes me sick, and I don't need it in my life. 

A small pet peeve; don't you hate it when you read "I have to follow my concious".  And you realize the mean their CONCIENCE.  But they don't know how to spell it, so they use the wrong word, and spell-checker, if they have it is OK because "concious" is a real word (as in, he was concious at the time of the accident).   Ugh, someone on a Facebook group did that today and I am DYING to correct him; but that would be "bad" so I won't. 

I know I have plenty of grammar fumbles, trips, and misspelled words.  Part of that is due to my medication; and I leave them in  because I either missed them, or I figured "I might as well be real". 

Ron and I have a fast-food date.  Later today: I will talk about watering my foundation.  And how I felt when I saw the cat had peed on the siding. 


Anonymous said...

Well, if you do correct him, make sure you learn how to spell "concience" first. It will be less embarrassing that way. lol

Heather Knits said...


I figured I probably blew it, but left it anyway. [grin] I need to keep a paperback dictionary next to my computer.