Saturday, September 17, 2011

A good day

I had a very good day today, actually.  I got up, slept in a little (I did my God Time later), and went off with Ron to the warehouse.  We took the wheelchair with us, and it came in handy. 

I found everything we needed, and we took it to work.  We had just about the right amount of stocking time to get everything done.  I pushed Ron, in the wheelchair, out to the bus stop.  He kept thanking me. 

To me, it's not a big deal, but for him, it's his love language (acts of service).  We had a good pickup, and went to the mall. 

The touch screen on my cell phone had died.  I didn't do anything to it.  It just failed.  I took it to the Tmobile guy.  At first he didn't believe me, but he quickly understood.  He told me, yeah, it's dead.  I handed him my old flip phone (it can call, text, and that's it), and he did a SIM card transplant.  I'm back. 

Good.  We use the phones at work.  A moderately hearing impaired Ron can't always hear me shouting; but I can call him easily. 

I looked around the mall.  It is not prospering.  We got some lunch, and headed out to the stop. 

Hey, lookit that!  It looks like RAIN!  Sure enough, it rained.  My yard got about half an inch.  Happily, I do not need to water the foundation.  If I were watering my plants, I wouldn't need to. 

My poor garden is all dead and hopeless.  The few survivors appear to be near death.  Hopefully this drink will help them. 

I took a nap.  I woke up and decided to check on my plants, finding the orange cord mentioned in the other post. 

I'm almost caught up on the laundry, we have something fun planned for next week, and work went very well today. 

All in all, a good day. 

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