Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Punked, punching bag, and underwear

I'm so glad I don't drive. One bus ride today is a classic example. Not once, but twice did cars almost run into the side of the bus... one had run a stop sign. Others kept cutting it off. And let's not forget the half-dozen drivers I saw - so into their handheld devices that they missed light changes, and only the ferocious honking of the other drivers alerted them. This was about a 15 minute ride and the light changes happened at a busy intersection while waiting on a transfer - maybe another 10 minutes. They're CRAZY out there, driving. [shudder] Glad I ride with PROFESSIONALS!

Ron punked me today. He got me good. When I have a delivery coming I always hang a bag of candy and a Bible on the door, with a note "UPS please take goodie bag, thank you for your hard work!" We went out today and he came home by himself while I had a little Day Out. When I came home the candy was gone. I looked around, no package. I went in the house, no package. I was furious. SOME JERK STOLE THE BIBLE AND CANDY! Oh, I was ticked. Ron said "Heather, bring me the braille Gospel of John off my bookcase." I was busy ranting and putting more candy out for my driver... and then I looked. Ron had put the package on his bookcase! OH! The DRIVER got the candy, LIKE I WANTED. "I felt the doorknob and it was empty, then I found the package on the porch."

I got up at 5 on my day off - did my weights. Grrrr. Not as strong as I was on the last workout, but it was a good challenging one.

I took a shower, did my God time, and was in the process of doing up Driver Candy when the ride came. I brought my little handcart with the hot pink milk crate and we headed off to Starbucks. Ron left me there.

I went to the gas station and bought a big bucket of cold drink, and 4 bottles of diet pop. Drank them all, too.

I had been thinking about adding a punching bag workout; debating. It would cost about $65 for the basic stuff, but I came up with the idea of hanging a laundry bag full of yarn, with a weight plate at the bottom, off my home gym. Most of my workout is me and my barbell. We have a good time. I have a rack on the front of the gym to store the barbells.

I was telling Ron I might like to get a punching bag and he said "Why not use a laundry bag, weight it with a plate in the bottom, and fill it up with soft stuff?" How interesting that we both independently came up with it!

So, I made up the bag. Looked good, hung OK off the gym... not happening long term though. Off to get some boxing gloves.

Me, my hand cart, and all my soda went to Walmart. Not impressed with their gloves, they didn't fit right and had a limited selection. I did get some new underwear. I was so excited.

See, I have never maintained long enough for my underwear to wear out. I always had to size up before they fell apart. I am starting to get some small holes and all - so I was happy. Besides, I can't REMEMBER the last time I got underwear. I walked out of Walmart with 17 pairs for about $12. Happy. Need to remember to WASH them.

I rolled off and went to Academy sports. They have tons of gloves. I tried on a few - I like that they don't give me THE TREATMENT when I have a bag or hand cart. I had one of their hand carts on top of mine, so it was obvious I was shopping. I found a really cute microfiber wicking tanktop, one I had wanted to buy, for $5 on clearance. IN my size! Into the basket.

I also chuckled as I found myself choosing the PINK boxing gloves. Something very funny about that. So girly, yet so brutal.

I was really eager to get home and play. I had the exciting bus ride I mentioned earlier. Handed out some candy. Accidentally knocked over a guy's bike with my handcart and he was very nice. I am an awful driver.

Got home and went straight into the garage. Hung up the bag and put on the gloves. I started beating it up. It took me a little while, but I developed a pattern and had a lot of fun. I was sweating so hard my flipflops got slippery. My left shoulder is angry; first the powerlifting, then 20 minutes of boxing.

Is it boxing if I am beating up a bag full of yarn, in a laundry bag, with a weight plate in it? [snort] Not sure. I had a BLAST.

Then, my stuff was home, my new fat burning supplement (no creepy stuff, just amino acids and some non-stimulant herbs). I took them before my "boxing" workout. I had some good energy, but no mania or jitters. Glad I got 240 of them for $8. I think they'll work well. I was able to take a nap when desired.

I also got my chocolate peanut butter whey protein powder. At 6 carbs per serving, perhaps a little "spendy" but a great bargain. I whipped it up in the blender with some ice and milk. It was very tasty. I plan to get some additional powders after I get paid.

Tomorrow promises to be a fun day, an early trip to Foodtown (I love having the store to myself), and then later on lunch "out" with Ron. I love spending time with him and he's really excited about the food.

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