Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Don't claim Jesus and act like a butthead!

UGH. I can't imagine anything worse than the above statement. So much in the Bible about pride, humility, and obedience, just type any one of those words into www.biblegateway.com and get a real eyeful.

Speaking of obedience, I think that is one of the things that makes me usable to God. One of my favorite verses, in fact is, "Obedience is better than sacrifice". (Matthew 9:13, and Mark 12:33). My very favorite christian living book, in fact, has whole chapters on obeying God. (Living Water by Brother Yun)

I am very worried about falling into the pride and ego trap, bragging about how God uses me, and then rendering myself unfit for service. However, God really laid it on me to tell you ALL about today.

Today I slept in and had a good time doing so. I worked out (punching bag + weights), and then told Ron I'd like to donate blood tomorrow. He's qualified to donate and they are hungry for platelet donors, so why not?

Normally, I leave the house pretty early but today I didn't leave until 1 PM. I had a huge sack of Bibles and candy, and since we had a projected heat index of 110 I took my rolling cart. A lot of car people gape at my cart. I don't know why; but when I explain they do seem to get it.

My first bus ride resulted in me giving the driver a whole Bible, and testimony about how God's used bad things in my life for good. I'll retype that all out one day.

Then I tried to give driver candy to the second driver, he didn't want it but a guy sitting behind him started shouting for it. Now me, Heather, would say "Drivers only buddy! Go buy your own" - but the God in me said "Heather, he is shouting for my GOOD NEWS! Give it to him!" As he exclaimed over the candy (I pray over it as I do it and ask God to help me select everyone's favorites), his girlfriend and 2 other women on the bus looked VERY interested. So, more handouts.

I got off and walked to the chicken place. Ron wanted some chicken. 3 more bags handed out there. I went to Starbucks, and they had all gotten candy. Good. They did get a good tip. Can't go around proclaiming Jesus and acting like a butthead! That's just WRONG, wrong, wrong.

After that, I rolled off with my drink to Favorite Dollar! I handed out another bag of candy there, and found some "good" individually wrapped, heat tolerant, candies. Yay!

For some reason, I felt a very insistent prodding to buy a pink umbrella. OK. They are good umbrellas. I think I mentioned how last year I started handing them out to people who needed them. I use one myself.

My stuff and I rolled off to the bus stop. I waited and had time to do some Bible study, so I did. One guy who was kind of giving me the eye decided I was OK after that. He sat down next to me and I gave him a Bible/candy. The Bibles are bagged up with candy, the "candy" always has a 48 page scripture booklet. He was happy to get it, and I even gave him a plastic bag to carry it.

I rode to a transfer point. I am not a big fan of "Corner" grocery. I just don't find their lineup impressive, and always terrible, long , lines. God was very pushy - go in there. I did, and got some diet soda.

I gave the cashier a New Testament and she thanked me, then hid it in her smock. I was certain I'd just given away my last bag of candy, so I bought a snickers bar for my home route bus driver.

I headed off to the bus stop. One of those "I don't wait at the stop" people I can find aggravating, a young woman who was black. She had good reason to hide, it was raining and she was undoubtably worried about her hair. God immediately reminded me of the pink umbrella.

I dug it out, discovering another New Testament bagged up with candy. I gave BOTH to her; I think she'll be a lot more likely to read it in light of the "gifts".

Then the bus driver came, and I gave him the snickers bar. Boy, he was really happy to see it.

That's an "average" day for me, and why I try to be so obedient. One day God will show me how He was able to use me as His hands here on Earth. Maybe a few people will stop by my table and thank me for the ticket to Heaven. :)

I hope so. I also hope He keeps me obedient and useful. With a very strong back, and tote bag, to haul all that stuff! I literally do CARRY the Gospel! [laugh]

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I just love your blog you know that don't you? OOOXXX

I hope you write a book someday!