Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Underwear reality adjustment

Today I went for a run, walked home, and lifted weights in the garage. I felt very comfortable in my outfit and didn't really think about what I was wearing.

I took a shower, and, as I was undressing, I realized I was wearing my smaller size underwear. I had bought a new pack and considered wearing it, but they always looked too small for me. "They'll cut into me, they'll dig, they won't be comfortable." Tell that to me when I was picking a 30 pound barbell off the floor this morning, I spontaneously did a few "Good Morning" back exercises with the barbell. I would have noticed any binding.

I can accept that I've gone down 2 bra "band sizes", 2 t-shirt sizes, and 3 pant sizes. For some reason, though, I can't wrap my head around the fact that my body will fit into that underwear. I wear the old size day after day, enduring wedgies, ride-up, and the constant need to re-adjust. My head is just stuck on the old size.

I'm not quite able to throw them all out, but once I finish this entry I'm going to bag them up and stuff them in the computer room closet. All I'll allow myself are smaller-sized underwear. I'm sure, that like now, I'll feel very comfortable and relaxed. I'll stop doing double takes when I go to put this skinny garmet on my body, and accept the fact that, YES, my hips will fit quite comfortably.


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