Saturday, December 28, 2024

Last night and this morning

 So last night I hadI got to get some things on my way out, cat food, cat litter, etc.  They put my favorite sneaker, the Athletic Works "Front runner" on clearance I am so crushed about that.  So I got my last pair of those.  That should hold me another 2-3 months.  

Ace and I have a little arrangement.  I tell him 9:30 and he comes at 9:15.  I would never, ever, tell him this but I had gotten to the front of the checkout line when I realized I had forgotten his snack!  

I got out of line, of course, got his stuff, and had to go back.  They had 2 people working the self checks while a third was zoning the batteries, and the customers were stacked up.  I don't know why they did that.  I got out of there but it was 9:25 and Ace had texted me was I OK.  

I explained I had "forgotten something and had to go back it was important" as I hefted a bag of cat food in the trunk so I kind of lied by implication.  I got home OK and talked to my Dad.  He is doing well and had fun at Christmas.  

This morning I woke up at 6, got out of the house (even did my Bible study) at 8, and went to the grocery store.  The weather was saying rain would come in the afternoon, maybe.  

I saw my friend the cashier and we chatted a little.  I spent $40.  Sadly I didn't get a lot of groceries for that.  I did buy some generic brand corn chips; and some ginger snaps, I will take as snacks for work because I only work long enough for a break next week, most days.  

I got some chicken thighs.  The bone in with skin version was cheaper but they were so big, and I didn't need all that meat.  Not unless I increase my family (remarry).  I got those and looked at the beef with bones for soup, that looked really tasty but I have some soup in the freezer already, and the pork roast, they had a pale, smaller one for about $4 it just didn't appeal - and a larger much darker roast for about $10.  I think I will get one of those next week after I get paid.  It looked really good.  But again, that's a lot of meat.  

I have some thin beef steaks I need to eat (Milanesa) and some sausage, eggs, cheese.  I did buy a bag of shredded cheese.  That to me is very important and I can do a lot with it.  

I was given some money for Christmas.  While I love a thoughtful gift I have property tax coming due in a few weeks.  I used the cash for exciting things like cat food, litter, groceries, new shoes for work (to replace worn out ones), etc.  And some of it went to the property tax!  

Unfortunately they cut my hours significantly next month, that's going to hurt, almost $200 less a paycheck.  I will make it work.  I have often thought it might be interesting to take $20 to the grocery store and see if I could make it stretch to a week of interesting meals.  

I do plan to make lentils tomorrow, I'm thinking the maple Mustard ones, and some curried ones with a cut up potato in it.  I find those very filling and they don't bother my allergies or cause headaches.  All good!  

I got home OK but it was getting cloudy.  I had seen we were getting severe weather coming so I hurried.  It started raining about 90 minutes after I got home.  I put away the groceries and took a nap with Cleo.  When I got up 2 hours later it was mostly gone and the rest of it cleared out in an hour.  

I was having a root issue with my hair so I got out my "touch up pack" out of the freezer (you can freeze henna after you make the paste, for later, or if you have leftovers you don't need) and left that out to thaw.  When it was thawed I did my part and the hairline, had a little left so I did the front.  The nice thing about henna it won't be obvious where the new stuff ends.  

Looking at my schedule it was apparent I am not going to ride with Buddy again.  But I think I ended things OK.  He has my number.  

Today I mainly wanted to rest up, do laundry and my hair, that's it.  Tomorrow will be more cooking and cleaning.  

That's it for now!  

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