Wednesday, December 4, 2024

7:10 PM Wednesday

 A friend of mine gave me a ride home.  She had a nice visit with Biscuit; he's her biggest fan.  It's cute to watch them.  

I tried the curry, it tasted like a nice vegetable soup not really exotic.  So I tried adding more curry and ginger powder, and a little salt.  It turned out very well.  

Crock Pot Curry

For 2 quart crock pot (double for larger pots)

2 chicken leg quarters, raw

1/2 cup chopped onion

1.5 t curry powder (I used Badia Jamaican)

2-3 T tomato paste

1/2 t ginger powder.  

Combine in a large zip lock bag, shake well to coat, store overnight in fridge.  

2 cups frozen mixed vegetables, string beans removed 

1/2 cup chopped frozen onions 

1/2 chopped raw white potato

2 T chopped fresh ginger 

Use a crock pot liner.  Mix ingredients and spread most in bottom of crock pot.  Add chicken leg quarters.  

2-3 T tomato paste dotted on the chicken, along with the rest of the vegetable mixture.  

2 cups chicken stock 

Cook on low for several hours (at least 6-8)

Add 1.5 t curry powder, 1/2 t salt, .5 t ginger root powder.  Stir well.  

Remove bones, skin, gristly ick from chicken.  Serve over rice or cauliflower rice.  

I'm glad I tried it.  The internet was pretty mixed on if I could even make a curry.  I think the answer is yes, if you add seasoning at the end.  

I don't work until 10 tomorrow so I get to sleep in a little, that will be nice.  

Oh, and the gumbo, I heard back from 3 people.  One didn't like it (she was nice about it), my boss was in the breakroom when someone else was eating it and kept talking about how good it smelled (I had offered her some and she said no), one woman (the one my boss saw eating) said "It was wonderful" and "Don't change the recipe", the other one is a rather sour coworker of mine - she was raving about it and had more praise for the dish than I've heard from her in the last 4 years.  I will have to make her more.  

So, that was fun.  Glad I did it.  I only spent about $10 on it.  

It has been interesting how people are approaching the container issue, getting it back to me?  Or not?  We will see.  The containers are only 50 cents each so I'm not stressing.  

That's a secret family recipe.  I will say the family gumbo, the way Ron's family made it, involved dark roux, shrimp, sausage, and chicken.  I eliminated the shrimp due to allergies.  Although I'd consider making a gumbo for someone with it if they were going to take the whole thing to a party or something.  

I'm not sharing that recipe..  

This weekend I make the pork roast.  I think with that I will just use some "Louisiana seasoning" as a rub on it.  See how that goes.  It doesn't have MSG.  It's a smaller roast so that's a good size for me.  

Although I love cooking for people.  I told a coworker I need to marry a guy with teenagers they will eat everything I make.  Probably be vegans.  

I am glad Biscuit got to visit with someone who loves him.  She always enjoys hearing about him.  And that's my kind of gossip - talking about the cats.  It satisfies without shaming God.  

That's it for now.  

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